I am consistently informed that my father thinks I am not “growing up” at an appropriate rate. He thinks that I’m socially delayed and that I’m going to encounter a multitude of problems within a couple years.
Here’s my situation:
I’m nineteen, female and a college sophomore, currently attending a four-year university that is about eighty miles from my hometown. I live in an on-campus apartment with three other female roommates (though my boyfriend stays over enough that he might as well live there). I am a full-time student, taking fifteen credits next semester. I’m doing very well in my classes, well enough to receive good scholarships and maintain a position on the Dean’s list.
I do not own a car, and never have. I have no need for one at present moment, because I walk to all of my classes and can ride the bus or hitch a ride with my roommate to buy groceries. I am not employed; I have only worked for a week in my life, when I attempted a telemarketing job and discovered that, while I was good with the customer service aspect, I’m emotionally incapable of doing that sort of work. I’m considering applying for a job as a coffee shop barista next semester, but there is very little other work available without being able to drive.
As for my relations, I get along excellently with my roommates, one of whom has been my best friend for years. I have a boyfriend who I am very committed to; we have both grown with each other, in ways that make me proud to be who I’ve become since I’ve been with him. My future (and present) with him is one of my greatest priorities. We have lived together before, and I anticipate doing so again, before too awfully long. He’s also the person who introduced me to the Dope. winks at Alistair McCello
To the point: I recognize that, when it comes to owning a car and employment, I am far behind most of my peers. However, when compared to the same group, I am also much more developed, in terms of relationship and friendship management. To my dad, the fact that I’m unemployed and vehicle-less far outweighs my social development. I’m wondering if that’s what the majority of the Dope would say as well.