Am I the only one who knows how to pull down a goddamned statue?

-Now that would be crumulent!

Cromulent. Geeze, can’t you even spell simple imaginary words??


Yub yub.

Much like “International Law” and 'Sovereignty" allows bloody, brutal dictators to get away with whatever they want as long as they don’t color outside the lines on the map.

Won’t someone please think of the pigeons?

MSU: Think of it like this…

Imagine if people went around destroying all the cars in America. What are the poor car manufacturers to do? SELL MORE! :slight_smile:

All those portrait painters can now focus on actual art, or perhaps paintings of their popularly-elected officials, or average citizens! Or no people at all, since if I recall correctly, isn’t painting the face of a man blasphemous in Islam? (I could totally be wrong on that one, but I believe it to be true)

Or attempt to kill a parent of a leader of a country with a better military. :smiley:

not only did his statue get pulled down, people are now dragging it around and beating it with shoes

If that were true, how would there be so many paintings/murals etc. that bear Saddam’s face? Just asking, is all. I’ve never heard of that as a rule in Islam.

Well, IANAM, but I believe that it’s statues of the human form that are frowned upon in certain fundamentalists sects of Islam, which is why al-Quada blew up those ancient statues of Budda. I freely admit that I may be completely wrong on this, I welcome a clarification from more knowledgable dopers.

-My “Complete Guide to The Simpsons” doesn’t list the word in either spelling. The index on that episode only harps on the use of “embiggens”. :smiley:

If you can find me a canonical cite for the spelling, I’ll happily concede the point.

'Til then, don’t make me come over there and pull your statue down.

Sofa King, Xeno & Co. Shut up.

No matter what you think of the basis for this war, this is not the moment to kvetch. Regardless of what came before or what comes after, that was a beautiful moment. Even the most rabid anti- war protester ought to get a little tear in their eye at the image of the Iraqi man frantically attacking the concrete base of that statute with a sledgehammer.

This is, no doubt, the emotional highpoint of this process. What is to come will be a lot of work and a lot of Iraqis will be disappointed as they are forced to compromise their own pet visions of a Sadaam-free future. But that doesn’t mean that the joy they feel now is any less real.

So be happy for them. Maybe the U.S. is a bunch of money-grubbing imperialist fascists. But even money-grubbing imperialist fascists do something good once in a while. Sadaam is gone. Tomorrow is another day with its own problems and challenges. But today Sadaam is gone.

You know, Truth Seeker, it’s pretty funny that the ones who are the most misty-eyed about freedom are the same ones who have no compunction about trying to silence the voice of dissent.

That’s neo-patriotism, all right. Soon to be signed into permanence at a Congress near you.

Re: statues of Saddam
Iraq was never a Shari’a state, but generally secularist, and specifically in the last 30 or so years it was ruled by the Baath party which preached a vaguely pseudo-socialist brand of Arab Nationalism. The society itself, at least in the cities, was also worldlier and much more comfortable with “western” ways than, for instance, Saudi Arabia’s.

And BTW, I know one good way to avoid having people kvetch about things going well: don’t rub their faces in it. Resist the *&^%$#@ temptation to taunt them with “well, well, Mr. Peacenik, what do you say NOW, huh, huh, HUH??” . Delay the gratification of “neener, neener”.

OTOH, if like the idiot on my radio a half hour ago, someone comes around and starts out with Baghdad-Bob-style explanations that those were a rent-a-crowd, then feel free to open up on them

Oh, you poor, abused thing. Your oh-so-necessary snarks of angsty whining aren’t being respected! The freedom of the world has truly been hampered this day, as Sofa King’s complaints aren’t accepted as the Lord’s Absolute Gospel!

A sad, sad day for humanity, truly.

Perhaps so. But you’re certainly not referring to me.

Even anti-war protesters ought to be able to put the fall of Sadaam into the every-cloud-has-a-silver-lining category. Feel free to complain all you like about the war, but waspish whining at the one moment when the U.S. & friends have accomplished something that even you should admit is a good thing makes you look peevish and ill-mannered.

Polemics are fine, even occasionally entertaining, but the real world requires a more nuanced approach. The arguments against the war are on record. Whether you were correct is for the future to judge. But the moving finger writes and, having writ, moves on. The war happened. People who really care ought to be more concerned about wining the peace than whinging about how the war was “illegal.” There is now a great deal that average people can do to help ensure that America deals honorably with Iraq. You do that by engaging the present rather than carping about the past.

There’s a time to discuss history and there’s a time to make it. For better or worse, we’re making history right now. So please, stringent anti-war types. Don’t waste our time telling us what we should have done then, tells us what we should do now.

Truth Seeker: Eat shit. If you (or Evil One, who actually asked the idiotic question) don’t want to hear my answer, don’t fucking ask. But when I give you an answer to a direct question, don’t tell me to “shut up”.


Well, spells it “cromulent”, make of that what you will.

(I can’t believe I went and looked that up! :rolleyes: )

Give them a break, you arrogant fuck! During the Saddam administration, the statue-pulling-down industry was allowed to languish with inadequate legal support and low subsidies.

So, what exactly is a fruit of victory? Is that like a banana or something? Can I have fruit of victory flavored ice cream? Or is too fattening? Wouldn’t want all that victory to go to my hips…come to think of it, nuts of victory might be tastier, if I could find some of those…