It’s obvious he’s very popular with his people.
Does the man actually beleive tha people will fall for this? It’s like a third grader saying “I’m getting a pony for my birthday because I WANT a pony for my birthday.”
Or something like that.
It’s obvious he’s very popular with his people.
Does the man actually beleive tha people will fall for this? It’s like a third grader saying “I’m getting a pony for my birthday because I WANT a pony for my birthday.”
Or something like that.
Hey, settle down. We haven’t really “bashed” him in 11 years!
What, you don’t believe he’s that popular? Maybe I’m wrong, but the last time an election occured, didn’t he garner 99 percent?
Come on you cynics, he could be that popular… I mean, he writes his own books and stuff…
Just because people are probably behind the voters with guns, doesn’t mean that they are intimidating the voters…
I always stay behing the voters with guns…
…and you know what happened to that 1%, don’t you?
Sample ballet:
Saddam for president
Please mark one:
Yes Yes
I demand a recount! I clearly thought I had a chance being elected Iraq’s president! Hanging chads!! Hanging Chad!! <BAM!> <CTHUNK> <SOMEHOW POST BUTTON HIT>
:visualizing Saddam Hussein in in dancing tights:
I thought The Onion had taken over CNN for a second. That is mind-boggling.
Wow…he really is that stupid!
Leno had it right. At an Iraqi polling place there are two boxes. The voter places a “yes” vote in one box, or a soldier places the voter in the other box. Can Ibrahim be that simple minded? Can he really expect that people, any people will believe that an entire population anywhere in the world thinks with a single mind?
My head hurts!
Authority has always attracted the lowest elements in the human race.
– P. J. O’Rourke
Well, judging by some of the posts in the Middle East threads, that seems to be what some Dopers think.
This is nothing new. Stalin used to pull the same “election” stunts.
Having read that CNN article, I was surprised that the voter turn-out was so low. I’d have been pushing in wads of votes to “represent my family” (aka show how loyal I was and how little I needed a beating or worse).
Still, given the trend, 101% is something for him to aim for when he’s 71 (assuming he lives that long ).
He’s evil, I tells ya! Kennedy level Evil!
Did anyone else see the “news” footage of people celebrating the election results?
I’m like…uh…Did you honestly think he would lose?
Not to mention, I haven’t seen anyone look more forced since the last time I had sex…
(I’m just kidding on that last point…)
I saw a rally by the Iraqi women and they looked so…sad I guess is the word I’m looking for. Most didn’t look like they wanted to be there or were happy to be spouting the words they were.