I think Steve and Josh just got lost driving to the cliffs. I was pretty surprised at the lack of coverage about them - the last thing I remember seeing is the father suggesting they pull a U-Turn, and the son snapping that there’s a barrier between the lanes, so he can’t. Then Bam, they’re last. The confusing thing was that the editing was done as if there was a big race to the finish between the bickering couple and the ATCs, when really, neither one was going to be eliminated.
And did I miss it, or was there no detour in this episode? The Roadblock was there, but unless there was an option besides the rappell, and no one really even mentioned it, there was no Detour.
mcms_cricket, you didn’t miss too much. The biggest thing (besides the strange elimination I mentioned above) happened when waiting for a part of one French town to open (can’t remember the name - Marseilles maybe?), but it looked like one whole section was closed for the night. The blondes and the married guys showed up at the gate first, but a security guard told them they couldn’t part in front of it. So both teams left to stay in a hotel. The rest of the teams showed up, and parked along a street all night, since they couldn’t stay in front of the gate either.
In the morning, the blondes and married guys show up, and now the guard says they can park up close to the gate. This pisses the other teams off, and they leave their cars (still parked farther back, in a line) to bitch at those two teams. Chip and Richen move their car to the end of the line to avoid totally alienating the other teams, but the blondes stay where they are, and argue amongst themselves about whether they should go in 1st, or wait. In the end, they let the other teams go ahead of them.
Oh, and Chip and Richen had two potentially disastrous screw-ups. First, when flying to France, they get on a flight on stand-by. But the tickets are first class, so they have to get back off again, and catch another flight. Second, when trying to find a route marker, they find the wrong parking lot, and follow a completely wrong trail for quite a while before they figure out they messed up. They still finished quite well though (5th place I think).