Hope I’m not stepping on anyone else’s toes by starting this thread this week. . . .
Lordy! I was SURE this week was going to be a non-elimination round. WRONG! Can’t say I’m sorry to see the losing team go.
The race has got to get out of India. It’s way too depressing to stay in this country!
The “bull race” was another disgusting challenge. What’s with the Race this season? It seems to be fixated on fecal matter! And I don’t like it!
My cookie???
And was it just me, or did Chuck look absolutely rediculous in those stupid shorts he had on?
Chuck looks absolutely ridiculous whatever he’s wearing. I’m sorry we didn’t get to see him ride a crowded train again.
I’m kind of disappointed to see the models go. Team Catfight should have had one last good catfight. All in all, a rather anti-climactic episode.
Hmm are they going to have non-elimination legs this year? There are only five teams left, and the last episode usually has three teams to start. So there are only two eliminations left. It would be weird if they bunched the non-elims up so much.
I had a dream last week that I was in The Amazing Race, and the clue was made up of some incredibly bizarre and complex mathematical problem that you had to solve, and I could NOT figure it out, even after all the other teams solved it and some of them even tried to show me how to figure it out!! I wound up getting into an argument with my female teammate and one thing led to another, and well we both quit (at the behest of the producers, no less.)
Then when I woke up, I punched my fist into the pillow and thought, “Why the hell didn’t I take the fucking Fast Forward??”
Just thought I’d share that. Anyway:
Didn’t Phil say “Who will be eliminated…next?” at the start of the show? I thought for sure this would be a non-elim round. I can’t check my tape because I don’t record the intro.
I predict in 30 years some one will ask Cecil, “Who created the term ‘cookie’ to describe a woman’s naughty bits?” and we will have the proof.
Ya know, I’m usually about 90% hetero and Phil’s not really my time but…that patterned shirt he had on? Yummy!
Sad to see the last bit of eye candy go (except, perhaps, for Moley Millie) but I’m glad they didn’t stick around too much longer. While I was pissed at them last week, the muddy t-shirt after the bull race more than made up for it. (Yeah, I realize it was “more than just mud”…I don’t care!) They really did seem to work it out and come together by the end, and it’s good to see them go out on a high rather than a low.
While I can finally tell all the teams apart now, I still can’t tell the same-sex teammates apart from each other. Ah, well.
This has been, IMHO, a less than thrilling Amazing Race,which still puts it ahead of any Big Brother.
I, for one, hope they have eliminated the non-elimination rounds. The show is solid and long enough as it is. Let every week be elmination. Besides, I move to China August 15 and I don’t want to have my parents email me the finale becaues of non-elimination rounds!’
I don’t care who wins, as long as it’s not Jon and Kelly.
I’ll go further than that. I don’t care who wins, as long as it’s not Jon and Kelly or Chuck and Millie. But before either of them goes I want to see Mille slap Kelly for all of the stupid grade 2-level nicknames. It’s just pointlessly childish and there are few things more annoying than people doing Austin Powers imitations. Too bad next week’s bound to be a non-elimination leg so we’re stuck with all of them for at least two more weeks.
As for this episode, I pretty much agree with everyone else:
- Phil was looking nice.
- I was starting to like the models. It’s amazing how much more likeable people become when they’re not constantly bitching.
- Another big WTF to cookie.
- Can’t wait for them to both get out of India and stop with all the fecal matter. It’ll be a miracle if no one gets sick from all of this, especially the bull race. There’s just no way you could avoid swallowing some of that.
I’m probably even more het than you are, but I noticed Phil’s shirt myself.
I’ve just got to hope that nothing important was said immediately after the “chain up my cookie” comment, because I was laughing so hard I was crying. And Hubby didn’t help with, “Cookie? Since when do women call it Cookie?”
It lends a whole new meaning to Cookie Monster!
I was kind of sad to see the two girls go, just like with the NFL wives I was warming to them. Heh.
I also don’t mind MIllie, but Chuck has got to be the biggest lunkhead and in no way shape or form deserves to be this far.
Jon and Kelly - wow, talk about your little snots. I want to see them get in a big fight with each other.
Chip and Reichen - who’s who? The dark-haired one will cost them yet.
Jeff and the other one - are on a roll, I don’t recall the last time I saw a team start in first one on leg and finish in first, usually doesn’t happen. I see them winning.
Circus Clowns - only other team that seem to be able to challenge Jeff/other guy. Plus, they’re usually in a good mood. Bonus points.
While I was starting to be OK with the concept of Tian/Jaree I am happy to see them go as the violated my cardinal rule of the Amazing Race (or any reality show) by declaring in a previous episode that they should just quit. Once a team does that, they are dead to me which explains my utter hate of Flo winning last year.
If I am correct, there should be 2 non-elim legs prior to the final 3 racing. I was sure this would be one. Since it wasn’t, next week pretty much has to be.
Who I want to win
- Clowns
- David/Jeff
- Chuck/Millie
- Chip/Reichen
- Jon/Kelly
Who will win
- David/Jeff
- Clowns
- Jon/Kelly
- Chuck/Millie
- Chip/Reichen
While I agree Jon and Kelly are being obnoxious, I bet most of us would have had the same reaction as Chip/Reichen did in the train, laughing, but in an embarrassed way that is kind of like, “Yes, I get what you are saying, you can think it, but people you don’t SAY it!”
I really hope they leave India soon. I actually dont like when they stay anywhere too long. Last night’s episode was good primarily because there was suspense at the end as to who would be eliminated.
Good Lord, yes. That kind of behavior is really getting on my nerves. Aren’t we all adults now? Didn’t we get over this stupid name-calling in Junior High? :rolleyes:
It really pissed me off when she was encouraging Chip and Reichen to do it on the train ride. And also the “Wolfman” comments directed at Chuck. One time, it was funny. When you keep it up, it’s petty and immature.
Having said that… what the heck is up with Millie and Chuck for being in an 11-year relationship and not being sure they want to be committed to being married? Holy cow, you’ve invested 11 years with this person; how much more committed can you get?
Topic? Topic? We don’t need no stinking topic! Oh, sorry.
I’d like to see David and Jeff or the Clowns win it. I hope Chip and Reichen come in third. I hope Kelly and Jon get eliminated next. I really hate both of them.
That bull-racing thing was just gross. I would have wanted at least a baby wipe or something to wipe my face off. I noticed they all still had crap all over them the rest of the race. Granted, it was short, but still… yuck.
I liked those little taxis they took for the last leg, with the three tires. They were kinda cute.
Was the model’s taxi driver really on the wrong side of the road?
I was distracted a bit by my kids. Did anyone take the Fast Forward this week?
I missed the previews. Did it show where they’re going next week?
How long does the race take in real time? About 2 weeks or so?
No one took the Fast Forward.
It was not clear to me from the previews where they were going next.
I don’t know.
It looked as if they were finally leaving India, as there was some controversy brewing over shoving at what appeared to be an Air India ticket counter.
I hope there are no non-elimination rounds. I hate those.
I’m beginning to think that the clown guys should win. They’re the only ones I like anymore. I really, really, hope Millie doesn’t ever hear the way some of the other teams are making fun of her appearance. That’s so low.
Bibliocat, I think the race is much longer than two weeks. Some of the pit stops are actually as long as 48 hours (no cite, but I’m pretty sure I’ve read that), plus when you add travel time, wait time, etc. I think it’s more like a month. I could be wrong, though. Certainly wouldn’t be the first time!
OK, here’s a cite that talks about pit stops sometimes being 24 or 48 hours. It also alludes to the length of the race as one month:
I suppose a month makes sense - you don’t really see all the down time on the actual episode - for example the train ride they showed last night was (I think) much longer than it appeared - it was about 800 miles in distance so (with stops) that had to take almost 24 hours. Plus the times where they show up at airports in the middle of the night and then have to wait for flights.