Amazing Race Family 10/25 - "We're Getting Out of the Country, Girls"

Did CBS actually *show * the Gaghans at the ballpark? Maybe I got distracted, but it seemed like they jumped from being stuck in traffic on the way there to going right to the Miraflores Locks with a “5th Place” label on the screen.

The traffic thing was after the ballpark. Yes, they showed Dad getting one of the few legitimate hits.

Ooooh, they so fooled me. When DJ said he wasn’t going to jump and then they went to commercial I was all like “Omigod he isn’t going to jump!” and then they come back and he jumps. I was shocked, they never do that on TAR, try to make us think they someone going to quit and then go to commercial and then come back and the person is like “Alright I’m doing it”.

Otto, levdrakon: Sorry, guys. The whole image of DJ, who affects the image of not needing his momma and calling her a re-tard at every opportunity, when confronted with a shit-your-pants, scream-for-momma moment, figuratively running to momma, well, my eyeballs rolled so much that they fell out their sockets.

The Paolos are growing on me. I didn’t like them at first, but bickering seems to be their standard mode of operation, so they aren’t getting worse.

The Gaghans are frustrating me. I want to like them, but I can’t. The kids are fine, but the parents seem unable to make a strategic decision to save their lives. (Shouldn’t have gone for the fast forward. Probably should have gone bird watching, although I expected teams to have more trouble correctly identifying the birds then they actually did). They did seem to have bad luck with transportation, in this episode.

The Weavers are not my favorite team (no fair making me pick an actual favorite) but the degree of hate expressed by other racers is disturbing. Really folks, the important thing is that you are not the last team to arrive–It doesn’t matter who the last team is. Sometimes teams get lucky, it isn’t the end of the world.

I’m glad the Godlewski family didn’t get eliminated–after trying so hard at the roadblock, and putting on so many clothes, I would have been sorry to see them gone.

Am I the only one who noticed the little Amazing Race flags at the airline counters at the airport?

I don’t care much for the Weaver family either, but “that lady needs to take her crazy pills” (who said that?) and multiple mutterings of “bitch” seem out of place somehow. Yeah they do weird things, yeah her hair is fried, yeah they have
little or no sense of humor. I don’t know, that “crazy pill” thing made me sad, maybe cuz I have to take antidepressants and it seemed like such a put-down.

(overly sensitive hat off)

According to the Schroeders, at least (who I admit aren’t exactly unprejudiced), the Weavers pulled nasty, sneaky stuff all the way through, and were really unpleasant at Pit Stops. Which is why we’re not seeking what they’ve done to really piss everyone else off, except it’s pretty obvious they’ve done something.

This was actually my favorite episode so far, which isn’t saying a whole lot; it was okay but not even on the list of Top 25 TAR Episodes Ever. Or maybe even not on the list of Top 50 TAR Episodes Ever. But for this race, saying it’s okay is probably about the best they can hope for.

I hope whoever at CBS foisted this turkey off on the producers is mighty embarrassed right now. Probably not, though; I suspect they have no shame.

Wasn’t it the Schroeders who thought the Weavers were pulling a trick at Dulles Airport when they were really only clueless?

Well, there were some racy, neon thongs in the bunch… I was pleasantly surprised at the lack of granny panties.

I saw 'em. I was wondering because previously a couple of teams, while driving to the airport, kept muttering “It’s gotta be American or Continental.” Do you think they are pre-selecting airlines for them?

That reminds me of something that started bugging me during this ep. What’s with the “rapido!” all the time? Is this like a TAR thing? Seems like whether you’re in a Spanish speaking area or not, everyone runs around demanding “rapido!”

I don’t speak Spanish, so I won’t even try to spell it, but c’mon. Almost all the families were constantly yelling, “move it! Quick! Go!” Only once do I remember someone saying “por favor,” and that was from one of the Linz boys, who are usually the rude obnoxious ones.

It’s not just the language thing either. I want to slap the next person who runs up to the clue guy and grabs the clue out of their hands without so much as a “thanks.” It takes one second to be polite guys, and one second does not mean the difference between winning or losing. :mad:

<Stassi Schroeder>But one second can be SOOO importaaaaaaant!!!tearsangstgaaaah!</SS>


Thanks so much for the reminder of why I was glad to see the Schroeders eliminated. They hadn’t bothered me before last week, but Stassi’s whiny obsessing over even one second being important drove me bonkers.

I’m pretty sure that was the Linzes. Still, somebody needs to remind these teams that obsessing about another team, no matter how evil, is a recipe for failure. (Note the “Twin Hunt” from TAR3, Lynn/Alex vs. Romber, etc.)

Not only that, the Weavers were less than generous after Katrina, according to this TV Guide interview:

I figured those were the only two airlines (or, at least the fastest two) to fly to Panama. (American has lots of routes and service through Latin America, I didn’t know about Continental.) I heard one of the teams ask to borrow their driver’s cell phone, presumably to call the airlines. I don’t know what the flags were for, or why they didn’t just make the reservation over the phone.

The US has gotten so hyper-security conscious I’m not surprised they’d have to set aside special lines just for the contestant’s use. They edit it to look very impromptu, but US airports don’t do impromptu very well these days.

There must have been a “tickets must be purchased at the airport” part of the clue which wasn’t read on air. I can’t believe that no one had the bright idea to call the reservation line and make reservations that way. Special lines for racers only at airports have been used before, though they never draw attention to them. Since the teams actually need to by six tickets each (camera and sound person), I’m sure the production team talks with the counter people so that racers don’t need to break the fourth wall of the game and say “six tickets, please” out loud. (Still, you can tell they often have to redub the airport counter scenes.)

Or “andale!” I think we even got an “arriba!” or two last night as well. Because Speedy Gonzales is who you want to rely on for your Spanish.

And it totally is a TAR thing.

Speaking of Spanish, “heh” to the Linzes for the “I’m so glad you speak Spanish,” “What did he say,” “I have no idea” routine. Comedy gold, the Linzes.

And for god’s sake, let Ricardo Diaz finish his line!

Yeah! Where’s the Ricardo love?!

And once again, the first flight out has only exactly enough seats for about half the Racers. There always have had to be designated airlines, flights, and blocks of seats, but it’s almost a relief that they’ve finally shown it.

Not to mention that the whole flight thing was negated by the bunching at the boathouse.