In some Mormon questions, you made the insane assertion that those undergoing a particular interview had to answer the question for someone’s gratification. Proof:
You then ranted on:
And then you posted this stunningly “enlightened” comment:
I’m wondering exactly how you know the very reason why someone who’s dead managed to convey to you the exact reason why he committed suicide. I’m sure the medical profession would also love to hear from you on that.
And then you added this malarkey:
So, basically, you’re saying that the crap you spout isn’t proveable.
And more crap:
Thus ignoring first that nobody’s forcibly raised LDS any more than anyone’s forcibly raised in the religion of their family and secondly that there are Catholic families (as well as families in other faith groups) who will distance themselves from members of their family who leave their faith group.
One of the moderators explicitly told you:
Which you basically ignored.
You further tried to defend the lies you posted as being true by stating that you just posted facts (I’m tired of quoting your crap–every one of your posts in that thread is full of falsehood), and then you finally posted where you were getting your “information”–ONE SITE! And that site is the pathetic exmormon website.
So, basically what we have here is:
[ul][li]You’re too stupid to realize what a reputable website is.[/li][li]You’re too stupid to understand that suicide, which the LDS Church isn’t too happy with either & is concerned about preventing–is a much more complex issue than you care to believe.[/ul][/li]Finally, we have this crap from you:
All of your false assertions were disproved AND not only by LDS posters in that thread!
You either are just a liar or you are too stupid to realize what a fact is and what an opinion is.
So, which is it, ambushed? Are you just incredibly stupid or do you like to lie? Or is it both?