American Idol Apr. 11-12

Just thought I’d get this out there.

Now that Deandre is out, I’ve reached the point (for better or worse) where I don’t care too much who wins. Well, Philip would be pretty weird, but I wouldn’t be offended or anything. The one who SHOULD win is probably Jessica, as she fits the manufactured idol mold the best, with either Hollie or Colton a close second, but 19 Entertainment has them in its clutches no matter what, so how much does it truly matter. At least we’re seeing a (little) variety in the styles, which I certainly don’t remember from last season.

The Merrie Monarch Festival began tonight, so I won’t be able to see the results show until tomorrow. However, I did look it up on TWOP. And the hopeful going home toniiight iiiiiiiis…

No one. Save employed. Jessica went up to do the final song, but apparently there was some confusion as to whether she actually had the lowest number of votes. That Stephen Tyler (apparently) said he was going to use the save before the bottom three was even finalized just made things more nebulous. In all, sounds like just a really bizarre night. Should be fun to watch. :slight_smile:

I loved Deandre also. The studio versions of his songs are very good. He never seemed to sing the live version the way he sang in the studio, and it hurt his chances.

Joshua is amazing. He’s been getting my vote lately.

Jessica really turned me off with her “saucy alter ego BeBe Chez” bullshit.

My brain processes that Jessica is a good singer, but she leaves me cold. Just not my type of singer.

I love Colton’s singing (and he is a hometown boy!) but he is a Bible thumper, and that is a huge turnoff.

That leaves my sweet baboo, Phillip. Love him. Love the quirkiness, love the voice. I would buy his songs anytime.

The results show was interesting. Have to give it to Skylar for refusing to pick a group, and for Jessica being humble about being saved. Hated the whole “see what happens when you don’t vote, America!!!” vibe. Sorry, AI, not interested in giving you more leverage with your advertisers.

So, is Jessica off or not? I thought she was singing herself off when we tuned in for the last minute. If she was saved, good show - she really can sing.

yep, Jessica was saved. The judges were very offended by America. :slight_smile: