I believe they’re showing these two nights in a row this week.
See you back here later.
Don’t forget to watch Fringe afterward!
Yes, you shall.
I must say, one of the biggest reasons not to start watching this show is that it demands four friggin’ hours a week.
I’m puzzled by this. What I mean is, don’t they always show two nights in a row. And the 20th and 21st-- aren’t they in a row?
What I mean is: Is this week different than the rest?
I guess a better way of putting that would have been “I believe that they’re not pre-empting tonight’s show with coverage of inauguration balls.”
You know I’ll be here.
Ah! Sorry for being so dense, viva
Except for not being able to participate in the thread in real time, TIVO is the way to watch this show. Last week I watched every audition, skipped the human interest stories and the commercials, and it took about ten minutes.
I don’t like the new judge. By the second day, she was taking over like she’d been there from the beginning. Seems like Randy, Paula, and Simon are okay with her doing that though.
Jesus, Paula, what the hell is wrong with you?
The ass is strong in this one.
I can’t believe they let her through. [[[[[[HATE]]]]]]]]]]
I wonder if they put through slightly crazy mermaid girl in retaliation for bikini girl. Now they get to have a wet-n-wild catfight.
WTF is that nonsense with bringing the children in? That’s a new height of putridity for AI.
They needed SOMEWHERE else to go after blind guy and dead wife. All that’s left now is the Holocaust.
No it’s not- there was the large girl with the morbidly obese mom last year; they actually went outside to tell her what an awesome kid she had, even though she didn’t make it through. And they’ve done the kid thing before- the woman with the severely disabled kid (was that last year too?), Fantasia, etc. Kids are the ticket, really.
Timeshifting…coat guy = Zoolander
Ten more minutes and then I’m bagging this for the season.
That is one fugly top Kara’s wearing.
I want Reynaldo back!
Has Cara WATCHED this show? Seriously,what the hell was she expecting Simon to be like?
Don’t think Wicked guy will make it through Hollywood.
Okay, so semi-longhair who came out with the golden ticket in his mouth was good!
Ok, Bohemian Rhapsody guy had a good voice and Sad Story II was decent but both were cruise-shippy. Not a great show tonight.
The guys have it all over the girls this year.