American Idol Finale Week (May 24-25), On Tuesday-Wednesday THIS WEEK!

Not sure I am going to watch but AI finale week episodes are on TONIGHT and Wednesday, May 24-25.

Lauren and Scotty. Not my cup of tea. Hopefully no one will miss it (that wants to see it) because of the day changes.

I cannot watch it tonight but would rather see the finale anyway.

I really wanted James to win this but I will root for Scotty.

I haven’t watched all season but turned it on out of curiosity. When did AI turn into Star Search?

Lauren looks kind of like a Hershey Kiss.

They’re both so sweet. Good luck to both! I think Scotty’s gonna do it, though.

I think Scotty is better and has done better consistently, but I think Lauren’s going to get more votes.

They sure did their best to make Lauren look like a Hee Haw throwback. Where the eff do they even find dresses that fugly? They have advisors for everything else, someone needed to tell that poor thing that her outfit choices are horrid.

And I’m indifferent to who wins. I actually could not care any less.

Lauren’s ‘ode to Mom’ made me cry.

Yeah, I know. Shut up.

Wow, just 8 posts (well now there are nine) on the finale of AI. Guess there were a lot of others with with passionate apathy over Scotty and Lauren.

…zzzzzzzz…huh? oh. Scotty will probably win…zzzzzz

I was in my night class and missed it. Miss much? ?

You missed David Cook singing Simples Minds Don’t You Forget About Me. That was the only highlight for me.

Didn’t watch. Nobody left I care about. Will probably watch tonight just because I enjoy the spectacle of the finale and seeing all the finalists back on stage again.

According to AO Hell, Lauren completely lost her voice due to laryngitis yesterday, but they gave her a shot of something so she could sing last night. … the awkward thing is, they brought in Hailey, who was just eliminated, to stand by to sing in her place vs. Scotty, if she (Lauren) couldn’t do it. Awkward! … maybe I care a little bit about this show, but just a little.

I don’t much care who wins, but this has been a quality finale for the most part. The group numbers are bland, though.

Tony Bennett looked like he wasn’t even aware he was on a stage, but Haley was doing exactly what she needs to do. That performance is what I would pay to see her do.

TLC, well, T looked pretty bad and she was out of breath at the end. I assume she hasn’t been performing lately.

I think that Lauren’s song was a much better song as a showpiece for the performer than Scotty’s. I hope that doesn’t give her the edge, as I’m really pulling for my local boy.

In the crowd shots from home that they showed at the beginning of the show, though, it sure looked like there were a whole lot more folks in the RBC Center (Scotty’s home crowd) than there were in Lauren’s, though.

My satellite has been in and out for the last 90 minutes, but the weather cleared up in time for me to see Lady Gaga (and some dude) simulate sex on a big rock and then take a lover leap.

I missed most of Judas Priest and Jame Durban. Dang.

Did anyone else bust out into “the Carlton dance” when Tom Jones came out?

I lost interest in the competition when James got the boot but I’m glad I tuned in for the finale. I think it’s been a really good show.

Could have lived without Ms. Lopez’s ass shaking, I must say.

Spider Man is a cutie.