An accented MMP

AWWW… Cuervo’s worried about mama dove and babies. How keeeyooote! :smiley:

An executive decision has been made. OYKW and I are goin’ to the used to be rotten but now good Chinese buffet place for N.O.L.. This means fullness will ensue so dindin tonight shall be at best sammiches. No cookin’ for da bear. No complaints from da bear either! :smiley:

MMMMMMMMM… almost N.O.L. time too!

Nava that sounds odd. Can you get a second opinion?

It’s warming up over here again. We’ll see how long that lasts.

Nava sounds like you need an allergy doc that knows what he/she is doin’. :rolleyes:

Chinese buffet was good but again, a lunchtime mistake which I apparently do not have enough sense not to keep repeatin’. :smiley: Too full = blurfy afternoon at irk.

Plus it’s soooooooooooo hawt! Hyooooooooooooooomid and hawt! As in wrap a frozen ten pound standin’ rib roast in foil and set out on the pavement and it’ll be done for dindin hawt! Ok, maybe that wouldn’t really work out but if feels like it could. It’s HAWT! HAWT I say! And HYOOOOOOOOOOMID!!!111.

Also HAWT!

That is all.

Good lord Swampus, go wallow in your pool and kwitcherbitchin.

Yeah, Swampy. Shaddup! Our frickin’ AC is out at work!

I’m taking bids on my box fan. It’s up to $550.


It’s mountain muggy today.

The rest of you in the lowlands would say it’s merely a warm day. It is not. It is mountain muggy, which means it’s way too humid for this elevation.

Yeah. Good grief swampy, you live IN. THE. SOUTH.

Where it’s HAWT!!! And HYOOOOOOMID!!!

Did I mention HAWT?

Cut the **swampster **some slack - he’s an old geezer, you know. They suffer more in the heat and whine about it more too.


Day 10 of 12 day week is over. Exercise is over. I worked 1.5 hours over today because I’m nice, dammit. We won the war - funny how we always win these war exercises… :smiley:

I don’t feel like cooking and I don’t feel like going out either. I need the Supper Fairy to just show up with something good. But what’s the chance of that happening?

Tahred, hot, and ready for the weekend - c’mon Firday!!

Yeah, cut him some slack. He’s probably goin’ through the change! Oh wait… :smiley:

A dip in le pool did the trick. AHHHHHHHHH!!! It’s 97 Amurrkin air temp out but le pool is a wunnerful 76 Amurrkin accordin’ to the water temp thingy. Refreshin’!

Now I shall take myself over to the church house for Evening Prayer. OYKW has declined to go and has instead betaken himself to his place.

Later Y’all!

Guess I better be careful with which end is up when I cook it.

Actually, the executive decision has been made and we’re having more of the chicken and rice. The ham is still in its shrink-wrap, but the clock is ticking on the leftovers.

I’d almost rather have hospital food, as long as it’s from a particular hospital. We were at a charity event last night - it was a Taste Of… kind of thing where you buy a card for ten bucks and get samples of various restaurants’ food. The kicker is that one of the places was a local hospital and their culinary folks were cooking some variant of teriyaki stir-fry. Holy crap! The local Chinese places need to send their cooks to the hospital for training as this stuff was TEH YUM!

It is a tadly bit warm in this part of Houston today. I have to go to a work dinner tonight. Boooooooooo!

But it is free food so Yaaaaaaaay!

Thunder woke me up. It’s midnight but I was tossin’ and turnin’ worse than a song from the 50s. Yawn.
My grandma’s dad, brother and nephew were all Lorenzos like you, CatMan :slight_smile:
The protocol now calls for the allergologist’s report to go to my GP (who is new for me, I just switched); I plan on going down to the Health Center to ask what do I have to do to talk about it with the GP, and when I do that I plan on asking whether I should go see the allergologist (or the otorinolaringologist) carrying an armful of white lilies, which is the trigger Mom discovered because she didn’t believe I’d had to leave the church mid-Mass due to “inability to breathe”. She bought flowers of the three kinds the church had been decorated with, placed them in three different rooms in her house, and then when I asked whether she’d bought any new plants or something because I couldn’t enter the living room she exclaimed “aha! It is the white lilies!” “Uh?”

…you know, we did need rain, but grumble mumble…

lieu’s post reminded me of something I saw on TV recently: apparently some genius has decided that horses must be chipped, but the cost of the chip alone is about as much as what horse farmers get for a colt. The reasoning behind the chip is that “it’s more effective than branding” - I suspect the farmers would like to invite whomever approved that measure and the lobbyist who bought him several dinners to the next Rapa das Bestas (lit. “shaving the animals”, think rodeo in Galego), but to be shaved and branded themselves.

We did Ledo’s for supper - not my favorite local chain, but it wasn’t bad tonight. I got a salad and a cheese steak ciabatta, **FCD **got soup and salad, and daughter got a calzone and salad - we’s all stuffeded and daughter has half a calzone for lunch tomorrow.

OK, now, why didn’t any of you tell me I have this long white hair growing out of the mole on my chin?? Some friends you are! I noticed it for the first time today - and it’s almost an inch long!! I wonder how many of my coworkers were staring at it over recent weeks? It’ll get snipped off tonight for sure. Gah -** swampy**'s geezerdom is rubbing off on my chin!!! :eek:

california jobcase - I forgot to give you some :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: TWENTY-SIX YEARS TEACHING HIGH SCHOOL??? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Dang, you deserve a medal! My kid teaches 5th grade science (today was their standardized test day - 81% passed, and she only needed 70% to pass, so yay for her!) but she’s hoping to get into a middle school. I suspect she doesn’t feel old enough to do high school yet, being only 7 years out of high school herself… Anyway, congrats! What will you do for aggravation now?? :wink:

Ledo’s beats PJ’s, Dimwits, or Piece o’ Butt any day of the week for me. But I also think a bad Papa John’s still beats the best Domino’s, so what do I know?

Dinner tonight for Chez Vunder was at a bar called DB McMillan’s. I liked it.

I like DB McMillan’s, altho I don’t like sitting in the bar area when they’ve got music - it’s too hard to talk. I prefer the tables in the back. That restaurant began life as a Perkins, and among other things, it was an overpriced Italian place and a really mediocre fish place. I think they’ve got a winner now. And the Japanese Steak House in that same shopping center is quite good, if you’re into the hibachi show. Their sushi is good, too.

Honestly, I haven’t had a really good pizza since I was in Sicily. But PapaJohn’s isn’t horrible, and I actually enjoy the changes Domino’s has made to its recipes. It’s the preferred pizza for takeout at work, so I get it whenever there’s a fundraiser at lunch time! :smiley:

Home from mid-week deheathenization. It was nice. YP Wife was there with baby Ella, so we oohed and ahhed. She’s brought her to church two Sunday’s in a row but it’s easer to oooh and ahhh with a smaller crowd. :smiley:

There could be rain tomorrow. My breath shall not be held however. :dubious:

Ok, da bear is tahrd. I shall go lie upon da bed and watch teevee.

Nitey Nite Y’all!

I’d find a new allergist, Nava. The current one doesn’t sound terribly competent, in my non-medical-expert opinion.

It’s humid around here, too, although not horribly hot.

Bro and I are watching the finale of Dancing with the Stars right now. (He’s addicted. I apparently have nothing better to do.) Also, I’m doing laundry. Should go move stuff around.

Have a fun vacation, lieu.

Hope you get some rain, swampy (and anyone else who needs it).

And here’s another AWWWWWWWW for Cuervo worrying about the doves.

Oh, yeah, I forgot too. That’s very impressive.

Long day at work, although we went out to lunch as a team today, so there was some fun.

I’m sure there’s something I’m forgetting…but, what?

Back later when my memory is restored.



Aha! I remembered. Did you know there are more than 3 ways to tie shoelaces? Why, yes; yes there are. According to my new best friend Ian, there are 18 ways. My latest sneakers have shoelaces that have untying ninja powers. I was routinely walking a block and then stopping to tie my shoes. If I got the tension exactly right, they’d last a little longer, but…walk…re-tie…walk…re-tie turned into walk…keep walking with untied shoes, which didn’t really seem prudent. So I Googled “how to tie shoes” and found this site. I am now using Ian’s Secure Shoelace Knot and it appears to be working. Made it through a 3-mile walk today without shoelaces falling apart. Yay!

This also made me think of Rue, our founding father, who is a big knot aficionado.



Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienated. Also purtified for irk. Gonna go meet OYKW in just a few minutes for brekkies at Waffle House. We wanted a fine dinin’ experience this mornin’. :smiley:

‘Tis <snerk> 69 degrees <snerk> Amurrkin out with a predicted high of only 94. We’re havin’ a cold front! Oh and the predicted rain chance is 30 percent. Again, breath shall not be held. :dubious:

Ok, gotta get outta heah and over to the WH.

Happy Thursday Y’all!