An apology to Jarbaby

I’m not going to put up any links or anything, but in a recent parody thread of mine, I offended you. I made you to feel that I thought you were stupid, and that I was smarter than you. I was paying so much attention to making sure that the thread was properly paralleled that I ran roughshod over you and your concerns.

I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart. And I want you to know what I really think of you. I think you’re a bright and witty contributor to Straight Dope, and I think some of your posts are the best I’ve seen in my three years here.

I know that my passion can make me come across as unfeeling, but I’m not. When I break someone’s spirit as I did yours, my own heart is broken until I can make amends.

I’m also not as intelligent as you make me out to be. If I were, then my company would be making a lot more money than it is. Besides, I’m one of the few Dopers without a college education, so I’m probably in the lowest ten-percentile anyway.

I do apologize. And I’ll carve a special place for you in my memory so that I don’t hurt you again.

A college education does not a smart person make.

[sub]Why is this in the pit?[/sub]


love you?


Good man, Lib.

Thank you for your kind forgiveness, Jarbaby. :slight_smile:


It’s in the Pit because that’s where the offense occured, and because I believe that Jarbaby deserves a public apology in the place where she was publicly humiliated.

Fair enough.

And he KNOWS how much I love public humiliation


uhhhh… ok… FUCK ALL YOU! AND the piece of shit horse you rode in on!!! :wink:

Ok now it belongs in the pit

Given the proliferation of oh-so-subtle, unlinked parodies of late, I wasn’t sure whether this was sincere or a parody itself. I’m pretty sure I have not been whooshed, in which case, this was pretty classy.

Such a fine line…

Actually, I rode in on a piece of horse shit.

Is this a parody?

Once again Lib, my friend: well done, and thank you.


I love you guys!

I don’t think a Christian would do a parody about forgiveness.

masonite, who loves Lib’s parodies, and this thread is cool too


As Ferrous said: You’re a good man, Lib.

Well done Libertarian.
Doesn’t your son read the SDMB? You should be ashamed! Go spank yourself! It does this whenever its told or it gets the hose.
[sub]I’m sorry. I have a thing for smart, articulate women who like wearing spiked dog collars and being told what to do. That, and I have poor impulse control. I tried seeing a psychiatrist about it. But, the power dynamics of the whole patient/therapist relationship lead to a tawdry affair that almost cost her her license.[/sub]

No, huh? How are we to tell? Maybe your response was a parody, too.

Group Hug.

You had me at ‘hello.’