Stop the Insanity!

Allright…alright…for Bad News Baboon,I fucking APOLOGIZE FOR BEING A JERK.I also apologize for everybody ELSE in the world who is a jerk so they don’t have to apologize for themselves. I apologize for not being Christian. I apologize for anything I’ve ever done that was ever wrong,EVER. I apologize in advance for anything I MIGHT possibly do wrong ever again.I apologize for being bitter. I apologize for having a bad childhood that MADE me bitter. I apologize for everything.


Oh for the love of Pete. Take a break or something- you’re coming apart at the seams before our very eyes. It’s boring and you’re making yourself look more foolish by the day. Grow up.

Don’t do it in my name, sweetie.

Have your melt down on someone else’s time.

I really truly suggest you get help.


<Joann Whorley> DRAMAAAAAAAAA </Joann Whorley>

And you couldn’t put this oh-so-sincere apology in the thread where you originally spouted your jerkiness because…?

Jeez, Chickie-Baby! Take a pill (but not the “bitter” one, please!). All anybody is saying is that you have an attitude problem that you should take a look at. How old are you, anyway? You can’t blame your parents forever. Sooner or later you have to take responsibility for your own happiness. If you did a poll right now to find out how many Dopers had shit-head parents, you would see that you’re not only NOT the Lone Ranger, but that most of them aren’t walking around all pissed off and bitter. They LIVE THEIR LIVES! HAPPILY and PRODUCTIVELY!

So SNAP out of it already! Life’s too short to have the permanent hard-on.

OPs like this are why the rolleyes smiley was implemented, right?

IDBB, you need to chill. Certainly that was turning into an ugly bit of a pile-on, but it’s not worth all this emotion. You need to step back from this and not think about the message board at all for a few days.

Then you have two choices. Maybe come back with a fresh eye and look at comments you and others made. Or drop it completely, because it’s not a healthy situation for anyone who is here just for validation and not to learn about other points of view.

I just realized something. I’m really bitter too. Because my parents were really nice to me and understanding and we had great family vacations and went to church every sunday and we still all talk to each other and my mom and dad LOVE my husband.

But I, too am overweight. And now I have nothing to blame it on!

C’mon jar–there must have been a kid in school who looked at you funny once. Or that time your dog pooped in the living room… Think! Surely there’s something!

I think that might have been ME that pooped in Jar’s living room. And I’m thin. I think this means something.

It’s the mullet, I tell ya. Since “Corvette Guy” got his mullet cut off, IDBB has lost her self-esteem. Just be glad it wasn’t a rat-tail, or we’d really be in for it.

{{{{{{jarbabyj}}}}}} There, there, Jarbaby. Sounds like your life was all sunshine and lillipops. Blame it on the lillipops. :wink:

Yeah, don’t be such a Brahma queen.


Oh, dammit! Lollipops. With an ‘O’. I hate when I do that! I’m going to have a box of fudge. I blame my belly on my bad typing. Stupid fingers.

This is the single nicest, most sincere apology I’ve ever read. I for one am touched by your heartfelt regret, and desire to make amends. Not many people can open themselves up like this, and it means a lot to me that you were willing to do so in such a public and forthright manner. Truly, you are an inspiration to us all.

Stop the inanity!

Where did anyone make her feel bad for not being a Christian?