In the beginning, God made the heavens and the earth. Some time later, perhaps days, perhaps millions of years, he did make the Child of Filth, and the Child did walk upon the Earth.
And yea veily did there cometh a day upon which the Father of the Child of Filth did speak, and unto his son he gave the following words:
“Child, thou shalt take heed of my words for my words are Law, and they maketh the Rules that thou must follow. The First Commandment is thus: Thou shalt bathe daily, and scrub thy skin with the Soap and the Cloth, so that ye shall be clean. The Second Commandment is thus: Thou shalt wash thy hair, and in the washing ye shall use the Shampoo, and ye shall do the Lather, the Rinse, and the Repeat (if needed).”
“But Father,” replied the Child. “Why must it be so? Why must I partake of the Soap, and the Cloth? Why must I take the Shampoo, and perform the ritual of Lather, Rinse, and Repeat (if needed)?”
And the Father spake unto his son, “Thou reek of the stench of sweatsocks many months old, and from thy hair, which was once bright and shining, I could remove enough grease to fry the Potatoes that are French.”
And in the rashness and unthinking nature of youth the Child replied: “So?”
The Father replied “So? The stench of thee dost madden me. With this stench thou canst not get the babes. Thou canst not make the friends. With the Hair of Grease, thou canst get near flame for fear of fire! That is why you must bathe, and perform the Ritual of the Lather, Rinse, and Repeat (if needed)!”
And the foolishness of the child again reared its unwashed, ugly head: “The girls don’t care, I have all the girls I can stand.”
“But,” the Father said. “We have not seen these girls that you have so many of. Has the phone rung? Nay! Have the love notes been sent? Nay! We must conclude that you are without girls, for you are Unclean.”
The Child did then say: “Even so, the girls doth not care about the Stench or the Hair of Grease. Ask anyone.”
And verily the Father thought, and after thinking he said unto the Child, “We shall see what the Women think, then.” And he bade the Daughter of many, many, many, many showers per day to speak and render unto the Father her opinion.
And the Daughter did so, and her words to the Child were simple and direct:
“You’re nasty. And my friend Caroline said you’d be cute if you washed every other month or so.”
So the Father then turned to the Mother, and bade her to speak her mind. And the Mother spake unto the Child the following:
“Yep. You reek, and there’s no girl that will get within 10 feet of you.”
The Father turned to the Child, with a smirk upon his face, and the light of Wisdom in his eyes, and said thusly: “Did I not speak it so? Have you not seen the Light?”
And the Child did reply:
“They don’t count as women. Verily the Daughter is of my flesh and blood, therefore she is not Woman. And the Mother is also of my Flesh and Blood, and yet she also, is not Woman.”
“But what of the Caroline? What of She Who Thinkest You’d be Cute?” asked the Father.
“That’s just rumor,” replied the Child. "I won’t beleive it until I hear from some real women.
And the father thought again, for much time. Then he said unto the Child of Filth:
“Hear me! I have taken counsel with my thoughts, and have come to a Decision, and my Decision is thus: I shall posteth this problem upon the Board that is Straight of Dope, for it is the font of all Wisdom! There we shall poseth the question to the Women who visit the Board that is Straight of Dope, and there we shall seek the Answer to the Problem.”
And verily did the Father turn on the computer, and he did maketh his post, and he posed the question thusly:
“Women of the Board that is Straight of Dope, what dost thou think? Is the Child of Filth better than the Child of Cleanliness, or is the Child of Filth forever doomed to a life of lonliness?”