Her “scientific” ammunition apparently all comes from William Dembsky who says:
Oh no, the gig is up. Ann fucking Coulter is going to expose this whole “liberal creation myth” for the liberal fraud that we all know it is. I’m fucking terrified. We’re all found out. How will us “godless Darwinist liberals” be able to carry on this charade anymore? Surely Coulter’s book will be factually airtight and irrefutable. What are we going to do? All is lost! All is lost!
Frankly, I think this’ll be the beginning of the end for her career. There are a great many conservatives who look down on Intelligent Design as it is, not to mention the many who, by my reading, have already ceased to take her seriously. After this book, I predict that she’ll follow the Rush Limbaugh path from popularity and copious media attention to general obscurity.
Ah yes, the old “call the atheists hypocrites by picking random non-religious stuff they believe and lie that they are religious beliefs”. Nobody’s ever done that before…
One thing I’ve notice about our little Ann is that, like a few people here on the SDMB, she doesn’t know the difference between outrage and logical refutation.
Really, is there anyone who still takes AC seriously? Yeah, I know…there are still folks who think the world is flat too, so its no stretch that SOMEONE takes her seriously.
It should be funny to see her ‘blow the lid off evolution’…worth a few laughs at any rate.
I noticed in checking out one of the “bottom of the page ads” that her new book is due out in June and will sell for $28. But if you act now, you can get it for $4.99! I know I’m going to hurry.