"Anna Nicole Smith: You Don't Know Me" (Netflix documentary)

I watched that last night. ZOMG what a trainwreck that poor woman was, and dragged her son down with her.

I just hope her daughter has a better life than she did, although that wouldn’t be much of a stretch.

Has anyone else seen it? It was “good” in the way other tragic docos like “Dear Zachary” or “Abducted In Plain Sight” were, because they were well-made and interesting.

I can’t. I know it’s just going to make me sick.

I felt bad for her when she had that reality show.

I lightly browsed it. Yeah, one big case of sad. This type of documentary is also part of the problem in terms of perpetuating the “joy” of dragging people down.

When she died, a now-defunct true-crime board I used to post on said that they were going to ban from the threads about her and her son, phrases like “trailer trash” and “pond scum.”