Hi, it must have been raining for a long time here because long-time lurkers seem to be crawling from every hole in the ground. I have been lurking here on and off for the past two years and finally decided to come in the open since all the goats are busy with other newbies this week.
I am 27 year old English teacher/translator (although I still have to find some time to hand in my BA thesis since there are so many interesting things in life which keep me away from finishing it, this message board for example) and come from Slovenia.
OK, I’m standing on the left with my papers in my hand and my galoshes unbuttoned. Now what’s next? Hey, what’s that? You said there aren’t any goats available … aaaaaaaaargh
We all knew you were hiding back there and secretly e-mailing each to took make bets about when you were going to come out. I lost so I am not to happy with you right know to tell you the truth. Say something witty in at least two languages to get back into my good graces.
Kythereia: is that Czech or Slovak? I don’t speak either, but since they are quite close to Slovene I assume that you’ve writen: Hi! I hope you enjoy the time you’ll spend here. Have I guessed?
Goats are reserved for Charter Members only. However, I do enjoy your username and hope you’ll stick around long enough for me to lock you in a room with a straw, some jello, and our most ornery Nubian goat. Believe me, it’ll be worth every penny.
No offence taken. I think I should’ve mentioned that I come from the former Yugoslav state, not the one that was joined with Bohemia.
And don’t bother with the Slovene dictionary. The English-Slovene dictionaries we have here are pretty crappy. You might even learn that a paramedic is an M.D. using a parachute. Luckily we have a completely new and larger dictionary coming out next week (/me drools at the thought of that and remembers that he still has to preorder it to save some money), so take your time.
Welcome, Torgo ate my hamster! We have a lot of harmless fun here.
Harmless, that’s the word. Harmless.
[sub]Looks like the calamari is twitching, and the goats are… are… dear Og… they’re moaning. And the llamas and the alpaca are–
What in the Nine Scintillating Hells of Krang…?[/sub]
:: blanches ::
Code Puce! Code Puce!
[sub]Paging twickster! Paging Team Red! We have an unanticipated excursion in Area 29b![/sub]
torgo, your username made me laugh aloud, so I like you already. Plus, you’re from the Balkans, and I have this little obsession with the Balkans, so, uh…neat!
Calamari? Gee, folks, thanks for preparing me a welcome dinner. gulp, munch, gulp, add a bit of tartar sauce, munch, savour the taste, munch, munch, burp
What do you mean I wasn’t the one who was supposed to do the eating part?