Another Doper Photo thread. . .

Why are all of the hot guys either straight (like Tripler) and/or across the Atlantic (like kellner)? (Wie geht’s Ihnen? :stuck_out_tongue:

I have some pics. Here’s the most recent one of me, where I’m showing off my fabulous new glasses. Ph0t0buck3t!!1 Don’t worry. I do have a chin. (stupid cameraphone grumble grumble)

Very recent picture of me.


“Write a wise saying and your name will live forever.” ~ Anonymous ~

This is my teeming millions page

I think I was cuter as a wee babe. :slight_smile: LOL. Even without the hair.


Me, in a fancy dress.

My standard picture, courtesy webcam.

The picture that got the ladies hot & bothered last time around… :wink:

Life is that your recent fancy-schmancy dress that you scored for a few bucks?

Very Nice, even if you paid more :slight_smile:

Yes, ma’am, only $19.91 at my local thrift. How freekin’ cool is THAT, I ask you??

Trying again …

That’s right, I participate in these threads now. I hope you don’t think me too forward, since I’ve only been a member here four years.

cuauhtemoc, the myspace profile.

LilCutie, you were a beautiful baby, but Baby, look at you now! More like LilHottie if you ask me. :wink:

And catsix, I hate to admit it, but you’re pretty damn cute. :embarrassed

Er, I mean “:o”.

here’s me

I think this is me
Even if it’s an error message be sure to comment on how hot I am (thanks).

Man, there sure are some fine looking ladies posting her, and not a one of them near me. :frowning:

Here’s a pic of me taken after a very long road trip over a short period of time. I will not be held responsible for any damage to your monitor by your clicking on that link.

Tuckerfan , your disclaimer comes after the opportunity to click the link, by which time I can’t read the disclaimer! Possibly if you pay my subscription fees for the next ten years or so I won’t have to take your ass to court.

Good day.

Hey, I got an error message when I clicked on yours, so I think that makes us even.

This is a pretty quintessential picture of mineownself. My hair is considerably shorter now, however. It’s disorienting to no longer feel like a dirty hippie.

What else does I got? Well, I enjoy cigars, beer, and being all red in a smokey room. I’m a very simple creature.

You should definitely work the “all red in a smokey room” vibe for all it’s worth. It suits you remarkably well. Maybe throw a Red-Alert Cigar Party?

From a funny angle.

Ah, finally! The first Photo Thread after I set up my PhotoBucket account.

Self-portrair with acoustic guitar.

Me, as Groucho Marx.

So you doing anything Sunday night? :wink:
