Basically, this is just to vent. Too mild for the pit, I suppose.
I was diagnosed with the dreaded diabetes a bit over a year ago. At the time I was in school full-time and my fasting blood sugars weren’t too bad—rarely over 120. I can’t say I was surprised: I’m 6’2 and weigh ~350lbs, and have been overweight most of my life. Being a student my diet consisted or ramen and coffee. I’m 35. My first A1C last March was 6.6, so the doc started me on Metformin and sent me to some diabetic counseling. I don’t know if they helped much, most of what they told me I already knew from working in the medical field: eat lots of veggies, avoid simple carbs, and when you do eat (complex) carbs keep them in check. My fasting blood sugars have been slowly rising, the past several weeks they’ve been in the 150-170 range.
I started graduate school in January and the work has been, to put it lightly, daunting. I still struggle with my portion control and finding good sources of carbs (bad carbs are cheap, which may explain the origin of my predicament). My diabetic educator told me that stress can wreak havoc on blood sugar levels, sending them north when otherwise they would be steady. I don’t know if that has been the cause of my higher readings or not. Eating healthy has been the biggest struggle. There are some things that they didn’t cover and that I haven’t talked to my doc about yet, like the recommended amount of protein consumption and whether or not it’s safe to exercise after fasting (no fresh carbs in the system for fuel, which I understand can lead to increased risk of kidney damage? Maybe.).
I already have some diabetic neuropathy in my feet. I saw a podiatrist and he said the blood flow remains good but with decreased sensation I’m at risk for a foot injuries that I may be unaware of. I try to inspect my feet and ankles twice a day for any sign of skin problems.
I’ve also been trying to increase my daily exercise regimen, but it’s been difficult with school and working part-time while raising kids and volunteering. I finally sat down and created an exercise chart so I can track my daily walks. My goal is to get up to walking 10k a day; I’m not sure how realistic that is. Right now I’m at about 4k/day, but making steady progress. So that’s good.
I’ve had bad bouts of anxiety before, usually medical related (I spent nearly 15 years watching people die, that is likely the biggest factor in all this). At one point I was in therapy to learn CBT techniques to combat it, and right now I’m dealing with a lot of those “OMG I’M GOING TO DIE TOMORROW” feelings that are returning in full force. Some in my family feel it may be PTSD from this. Several times the anxiety I suffered from was unfounded, this time there is a real concrete diagnosis. Although my last A1C (November) was 5.8, and the diabetic educator (not my PCP, mind) said “that essentially means you’re in remission!” Yeah… with the fasting CBG readings I’m getting I’m surely not.
Anyway, I feel like I’m gingerly stepping through a minefield, or playing a deadly game where the rules are constantly changing. I hate it. I’m afraid that I’ll go blind or end up on dialysis or have my feet chopped off or all 3.
Anyway, fuck this disease, and the anxiety that seems to be part of my genetic nightmare. Now that I got that off my chest (and actually, I feel a bit better!), I guess it’s back to writing book-length term papers.
Thanks for reading.