With the Potomac Primaries dissolving in front of her eyes, is her viability slowly slipping away? If Obama really slams home tonight and WI and HI does Hillary really have a chance?
Additionally, this:
I really wonder what the Clinton machine can do…The interesting sidenote to this is the video on people leaving the polls in VA. Jake Tapper of ABC news was targeting those who should be solidly in Clinton’s Camp i.e. women over 50 and latinos. Out of 4 street interviews 3 said they changed their stance on Hillary and are coming out in support of change - Obama.
Doesn’t matter if he’s latino, cajun, injun, or plaid - trusted campaign big-wig managers are leaving their posts. This just after a clean sweep by Obama in 8 states. That should not be happening in a well run, we’re-definitely-going-to-win-it campaign. Plain as plain can be.
Please don’t do this. Clinton is, as she said, “in it to win it,” and the Obama people need to not get complacent here. Ohio and Texas are coming up, and Obama is behind in polls in both places. And there’s still the possibility that the Democratic Party itself could throw a wrench in the works if he doesn’t build up a big enough delegate lead, either by seating the FL and MI delegates or by swinging superdelegates around.
Keep donating, stay on the phones, and knock on some more doors (if you’re in a state that still has a primary coming up). And for the love of all that is holy, go to the polls and bring friends. It’s not over yet.
ETA: I don’t want to rain on anybody’s parade, and I know nobody’s declared victory yet, I just hope people will stay focused.
If there is one thing the Obama campaign does very well, it’s staying focused. He is not under any dilusions, and has already hit the road full throttle. I’m not so sure Clinton’s campaign even has a last ditch, or if they do I’m not so sure it’ll mean much in the end.
>Please don’t do this. […] And for the love of all that is holy, go to the polls and bring friends. It’s not over yet.
Yes, I must agree with this sentiment. I don’t think the Obama machine should get complacent. I didn’t like noticing the CNN Political Ticker headline saying something like “Obama campaign says Clinton can’t catch us”.
I also think that voter complacency is a bigger risk than Obama’s campaign becoming complacent.
Obama supporters are not going to get complacent. Simply not going to happen - he reperesents more than just a cool guy running for office, he represents a movement of change - one the populace is willing to fight for this year. Complacency is not the biggest fear in my mind. The biggest fear in my mind is the Clinton’s doing some shady dealing with the superdelegates or with the DNC and getting the FL and MI delegates sat with no do-over.
Non of those polls are up to date. People are watching this like a hawk and no one has been polled since tuesday’s massacre, so I’m not sure how accurate any of that is…