Answer the GQ!

**is there a name for this fear? **


**low temperature heat moldable plastic from hospital **

Why, yes. And high temperature melt moldable plastic from hospital.

Buy Treasury Bonds!

James Bonds aren’t worth it.

Why Don’t Grizzly Bears Just Amble All The Way Over To Maine?

It’s too far to walk.

Have you seen this news photo?

Yes, it was on the news.

Simple Question: Soap & Water

Simple Answer: Don’t drop it, don’t drink it

** test supposedly shows that computer users are idiots - how so? **

How do I see the rest of this thread?

Simple Question: Soap & Water
Yes, it will make you clean, if used properly.

Non-emergency yet serious medical conditions without insurance.
I dunno, I’d consider a sucking chest wound “serious” and an emergency. YMMV.

test supposedly shows that computer users are idiots - how so?
Well… you’re reading this, aren’t you?

**Fungus Identification- **
Have you considered nametags?

Simple Question: Soap OR Water* ?***

Fixed that for you.

What would happen if McCain died before the election?

His poll numbers would positively plummet.

ETA: Man, he’d do anything to get out of that debate.

Why are tankless toilets mainly in commercial buildings?

It’s where all the ‘in’ toilets hang out.

**“nixon is tyranny which is death to us all”? Did anyone else see that? **

Question about Treason in the United States
What is “Well, why do you hate America?”

**Plane too Heavy!!! **

That’s because you portaled to the elemental plane of Earth. You really should be careful when using those things.

**Plane too Heavy!!! **
Well, okay, sure, now it won’t take off.

Those “Guess How Many X’s Are in the Jar” Games - Is There a Trick?
Sure, just eat whatever X is and guess “zero”. (Warning: only works with foodstuffs.)

**Electric Organs **

Just plug it in and go for it!

**Need quick tutorial on today’s PC processor power **

  1. Turn on the PC.
  2. Admire how powerful it is.
  3. Hi, Opal!

**Why the miles and miles long work zones? **
Because short work doesn’t need as much roadway.

**Moved: A Very Vague Question about a NY Yankee **
Sorry. I’m unmoved.

**Japanese question in Penny Arcade (bonus: Two Lumps) **
If I correctly answer, can I not have any lumps at all?

**2 Questions about expiration dates on meds **
If it’s dated before today, it’s expired. And if the prescription doesn’t bear your name, you shouldn’t take it.

**Is there an evolutionary reason for masturbation? **

Yes, to stop you from reproducing!

Nuts. I may have been poisoning myself in the last year.

I told you not to eat all those almonds.

How do morbidly obese people reproduce?

Going by heritable trait(s) proliferation alone, I’d say very well.

What is this Muppet Song?

I’m willing to bet that’s the answer without even opening the thread.

Am I crazy? (Insert question here)

Yes, yes you are.


Ceiling? The band or the team?

[* Clap clap clap *] Bravo!