Answers Only Thread

Yes, he passed. I think he probably found it a little grueling, but he passed.

We decided to hold him back a year. He really is a stupid kid.

Last I heard, he was doing fine, though he wasn’t as enthusiastic about physiotherapy as he was a year ago.

Look, I get that you’re curious about what happened, but there’s no way I’m going to give you any more details. You know it involved latex, pom-poms, and fairy lights, that’s as graphic as I’m going to get.

I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that.

She’s fine. Like any kitten, she’s exploring the house. So far, she rather likes to nap on my easy chair in front of the TV.

Oh, I didn’t know you were double-jointed.

[And congrats, Spoons, on your new kitty.]

I got a note from her the other day. She was glad to hear that I’m doing well. Sounds like she is too.

(Long story about what inspired that “kitty” post, Panache. But I don’t have a new kitten.)

Yes, it’s been slowly increasing today. Hope it doesn’t pile up too deep.

Now that’s a horse of a different color.

No, I haven’t spoken to her in years, not since the restraining order.

No, she was out in the street yelling for help. It was her sister that fell off the roof.

I know, I’ve been asking the same thing, but so far haven’t gotten an answer that makes sense.

Just watching the game. Grab a beer and join me.

Just forget about it for the next 45 seconds.

Only two more days now, thank God.

With cream and sugar, thanks.

I don’t know what that noise was. I’ll go outside and look around, but the batteries in my flashlight are dying so I’m not sure I’ll be able to see much.

Yes, I made a big pot of it. It’s now cooling on the stove.

Oh, he’ll probably tell you eventually, but right now he’s still sulking. Give him a day or two.