Answers Only Thread

He’s onstage, on-and-off, throughout the entire performance, especially in Act 2.

I don’t care if it’s “irrational behavior based on superstition.” Here, out of concern for others’ feelings, we refer to it as “The Scottish Play.”

No, it’s spelled “Ernest,” not “Earnest.” That is, if you’re thinking of the famous American writer.

Maybe it’s Earnest Hemingway the Orchid termite exterminator.

Or maybe he was thinking of Earnest, the Importance of Being.

I did. I was sad to hear of her passing. She was a good friend.

Oh, I really don’t think they could have pulled that off. Too many people would have had to be in on it.

Well, you know, I think it was Ben Franklin who said that three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead.

Well, the door was ajar and the light was off, so I figured the room was empty. Imagine my surprise when I discovered him sitting there.

Yeah, better call the Coroner.

No, that’s not our trash. The guy next door has a habit of putting his trash on our tree lawn, don’t ask me why. this time, some animal got into it and tore it apart. So they never picked it up. The guy next door is gonna have to come over and clean up his mess.

Let’s just go down to the corner pub, and get some dinner there.

I really don’t know. I don’t have my phone on me, and I no longer wear a watch.

Beats me.

That’s above my pay grade. Way above.

Yes, I can come in an hour earlier. No problem.

I told him to put it down before something got broken.

I’ll have to ask Frank. He may have something planned for that time.

Sure. Do you take American Express?

I’m really surprised that you’d ask a question like that, considering your scientific background.