Anthracite, don't make me have to find you and kick your ass!

Glad to hear you’re doing well Anth. Good save from that ass-kicking I was about to lay on you.

Nyms is right though. I don’t know about chat because I have never been there (I hate chatrooms) but here on the boards many people seem to beat themselves up all the time. I’m always surprised when someone I think is just great insults themselves. I get almost as mad as I would if someone else insults a poster I think is great.

If I don’t think you’re great you may insult yourself without fear of me hunting you down and kicking your butt.

I’d just like to thank Odie and Biggirl for not making me feel badly for my hijack.

I was going to start a thread, but saw an opening and took it. I’m glad someone concurs with my point. :slight_smile:

WOW!!! That is such a nice thing to say to Anthracite, Nymysys! When I first saw this post, I thought it was going to be full of angry words or accusations, but I was so surprised, it was actually the opposite! And all the others who replied with nice things to say, well, that is just great. I am new here to these boards, but I already know that you people are very cool indeed.:cool:
I was on some other message boards awhile back, and it seems like all everyone did was bicker and name call! How refreshing to see just the opposite here.:smiley:

Moongoddess, I’m glad to see that you like it here. Welcome.

Be warned though, we are not above bickering and name calling around here, but it is usually kept down to a dull roar. We have decent people here (usually) and industrious mods ;).

Una, I know what you look like, and have told you repeatedly that you are far from hideous or any adjective like it.

Others in this thread have said it far better than I could. Listen to these people more often, willya?
*Aenea, who is glad to see Una happy.

Fuck, if Anthracite really DOES have two deformed heads and a tit growing out of her ass, I’ll drive down there too, but for the purpose of seeing it. Not kicking her ass.

Although I do most heartily agree with the sentiment of the OP.


Anth, at the risk of sounding like a friggin clone, I haven’t said enough how much I appreciate you. Even if you do have a tit growing out of your ass, I still want to meet you and worship at your feet.

Besides, with that tit on your ass, even MORE reason to cop a feel when we’re dancin’.


Teeeeeeeem? Watch it.

BTW - did you see Cecil Cove Part 2?

Biggirl, the simple fact that you started this thread shows how beautiful you truly are by any standards!!!

Anthracite, Best of luck to you and Fierra! You sound like you are really happy!

I know it MsB. In fact I’m faaabulous! My point is: do not buy into what society says. Fuck 'em all if they don’t know what true beauty is.

Take Nacho, for example (who, by the way, is quite lovely by anyone’s standards). It took her a few years to realize it, but how you define yourself is much more important than anyone else’s standards.

Sing along with me folks. . .
Everyone is beautiful
In there own waaaaaay

::Biggirl remembers she is in the Pit and hurriedly turns off the sappy music before fleeing::


By now you must haVE realized how much your derogatory comments have hurt and injured all who frequent this site, expecially Una. For this you must be punished.

Now you will download and play Bette Midler’s “I’m beautiful, dammit” until you feel it, cherish it and make it your own personal mantra.

The tribe has spoken.

(everybody sing)
I’m not too thin, I’m not too fat, I’m not too this, I’m not too that. . . . .

:eek: Me? :slight_smile:

No! I didn’t see it! Going to now!


[baby voice] I wuv oo, Anthwucite… [/voice]
