Anti-choicers slip soft fetus toys into kids' candy bags at ND state fair

Story here. Mind you, we’re talking about six-year-olds here.

Of course, it might condition the kids to think a fetus is, you know, just a toy . . . it’s no big deal if you break it . . .

Is it wrong of me that my first impulse on finding one of those in a gift bag would be to buy a huge cherry slushy, cut the thing up into it then dash it all over the ground in front of the idiots handing them out? Even better if I could get forty or fifty of them in there.

Iowa State Fair starts in a couple weeks, so expect to see these battered, deep-fried and on a stick.

Ummm, your first name wouldn’t happen to be Funnel, would it?

My kids got religious tracts at the last parade we went to.

I’m “pro-choice” myself, but I have to say that anytime I hear the term “anti-choice” I roll my eyes. It demeans the issue.

I sure as HELL am not excusing the actions of the idiots being pitted. I’m talking about something else. Using the term “anti-choice” shows a willful refusal to admit that there is even a debate. It’s the broken mirror image of “anti-life”. Abortion has never been Life vs Choice or Choice vs. Life. People with a brain know that. The people who use those terms don’t seem to.

And don’t tell me which side used that tactic first. I don’t care. Either term throws up a red flag to me.

Oh this is going to be a fun thread.

I’ll post the same thing here I said on Facebook, which is: I really miss candy cigarettes. That was some good, clean fun. I don’t see how this is an improvement.

So lifelike! So squeezable! Fleshy! Beautiful! Soft and light! My PRECIOUS!

And what’s wrong with that? Anyway, I’m certainly not gonna call them “pro-lifers” while Pitting them, that’s just wrong. Is there a third term?

Fundie single-digit-IQ assholes.

OK, that sounds neutral enough . . .

How about bubble gum cigars. Those were awesome!!

Yeh, these fetus-dolls ain’t even edible. (They would be more lifelike if they were.)

What’s wrong with that? You are putting yourself in a hole while trying to claim the high ground. You have foregone actual criticism in favor of a disingenuous sound bite.

The thing is, I agree with you. Those people should be pitted. It’s just that their message, such as it is, doesn’t really gel with “anti-choice”. They should be pitted for taking this reproductive issue to fucking six year olds. Pit that. Talk about how this is inappropriate for the age group without being ridiculously partisan.

I’m honestly not trying to derail the thread here, but in the abortion debate “anti-life” and “anti-choice” are huge pet peeves of mine. They’re both strawmen.

I just hope one of the kids doesn’t accidentally put it in his mouth thinking its candy and start to choke on it.

It would be awful for somebody to have to yell “Please, somebody, help me pull out this fetus before there’s a dead child!”

I got a rock. No, I won’t trade you.

That’s because this is is like gay marriage, it is an area where I can’t even see the existence of any legitimate debate. Economic conservatives sometimes have points worth listening to; social/religious conservatives are always entirely wrong about everything that distinguishes them from others. In the political sphere, they are nothing but worse than useless to America.

Maybe they could make them with thin skin and fill them with strawberry jam. When the tykes squeeze them, red goo comes out. More realistic.

“Pro-life” is a damned lie. “Pro-fetus” is more accurate. Most pro-lifers don’t give a damn about human (or animal or even the entire planet) life unless it’s a human in the womb. I’ll allow for the possible exception of the Roman Church.

“Pro-Big Government control of lady parts” takes too long to say, so anti-choice is a good compromise.

Yeah, that sounds pretty typical of these assholes. They hate abortion almost as much as they hate the thought of anyone enjoying themselves.

Oh shut up. Everybody uses the freaking terms and knows what they mean, and if people want to call themselves “pro-life” while occasionally bombing medical clinics and killing doctors, “anti-choice” is far from the worst thing you can call them.

I’m pretty sure it would have to stay in there for the full 9 months.