You know, the cotton or cotton blend, very thin material, pants & button down shirt kind of pajamas?
I don’t know of anyone.
You know, the cotton or cotton blend, very thin material, pants & button down shirt kind of pajamas?
I don’t know of anyone.
Nekid sleeper here. Haven’t owned PJs since my childhood.
Ditto. In the winter months I wear what I guess can be considered pajama pants for lounging around the house, commando, with a t-shirt or sweatshirt. Change into them when I get home from work. But for sleeping? Skin on sheets.
But I do remember loving my zip up slipper foot pjs as a kid. It appears they have them in adult sizes too!
No, asking my wife to sew me a pair of pajamas from a pattern so I can wear them when I smoke a pipe in bed would pretty much guarantee me a very poor night’s sleep.
I like pajamas with feet when I was young. However, I used to get really upset when I would wear holes in them an mamma had to cut the feet off. It is probably for the best that they don’t make many men’s pajamas with feet although I heard talk that they were going to make adult underoos but I never saw any.
Boxers with or without a t-shirt are the only game in town now.
Fifty one, Sweatpants.
Yep, both summer and winter-thickness pajamas
I was going to point out that my dad wears them on the rare occasion that he’s in the hospital. Then I saw you said under 50.
My husband likes the plaid-flannel-pants and t-shirt thing. Personally, I always thought it would be cute to have matching pajamas like the ones the OP linked to…Lucy & Ricky always wore matching pairs. My husband would never stand for it, though.
i’m wearing some right now, though I admit I don’t know what the material is. I just know it’s comfy!
I’m female but I did have a few sets (gone now, I wore them out and never bought new ones… and they were mens).
I’m 24…
30, haven’t worn pyjamas since I was something like 10.
For a few years, I slept in my underwear, but I can’t stand that, now, and wear sweat pants/shorts. Sometimes a t-shirt, if I’m stuck on the couch, or I intend to only sleep for a short time. But usually not.
I don’t think it’s possible to even buy a pajama set anymore – I’m actually looking, and all I find are bottoms. Sigh.
No, I’m not under 50.
Actually, I do use pjs sets like that on occasion! I’m near 30.
Especially when its winter…
I get them from my grandparents, who, ever since I was 5 years old, always gave me a new set every other x-mas (t-shirts in between)
When I was still single, I slept in men’s jammies - I found them much more comfy than women’s styles. But now that I have my sweetie to keep me warm, I don’t need them. He will lounge around the house in flannel PJ pants in the winter. But there are not regular jammies here.
In the warmer months I sleep in a t-shirt and gym shorts (no zipper!). I sleep in flannel pajamas when it’s cold. I wear the lightweight pajamas like mentioned in the OP in the fall, early winter, and late spring when it’s too cold for t-shirt and shorts, but too warm for flannel PJs. Last winter I don’t think I ever got out the flannels - it didn’t get cold enough.
I’m 47.
Why do you want to know?
The Vermont Country Store has several different kinds of pajamas, , some separates, some sets, if you haven’t looked there.
I like cotton knit pajamas myself.