Any IE experts? Internet Explorer question...

Did a quick search here, and also tried (half-heartedly) at the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

Problem is two-fold, but related (I think). My IE got screwed up somehow, so that now when a link opens up a second IE window, it does one of two things:

  1. opens it with only the title bar visible (and a small version of that). No “window” per se. So far I usually just click the “maximize” button and just deal with it, but it’s tiresome. How can I “reset” IE so that when a separate window is opened, it’s full size?

  2. opens it “offscreen” - or at least the majority of it. It’s like IE’s forgotten the width of my monitor, so to speak. Again, I just have to find it and drag it back on the screen so I can read it, but it’s tiresome.

I can’t find the settings anywhere to change this. Anyone have any ideas?



Have you tried resizing it - NOT maximizing it - and then closing it? Normally IE opens a window the same size and location - other than maximized - that the last one was when you closed it.

Yes I’ve tried that. Also tried to “shift”-close and “ctrl”-close the windows. I heard one or the other was supposed to reset the window size settings. Alas, to no avail.

IE (mine) remembers the pop-up window size as long as you have the program open; once I close it down, and restart IE, it goes back to the screwed-up settings…

thanks for quick response though…


Aha - did some testing, and IE remembers the size of the last window you close (I “shift”-closed). So I think the problem #1 is solved. we’ll see if that also helps w/ #2.

Any additional help is always welcome :slight_smile:


ok, try this:

run regedit
go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER, software, internet explorer, Main
There should be a key called Window_placement, delete it

that resets the wiondow size and location, at least it just did for me.

but what about always opening new windows in maximized mode ? are there any registry keys or parameters that will allow you to do that ?

ok…kinda found answers to my question…