Any interest in a Bluegrass DopeFest?

I know there are several Kentuckians around. After four years 'round here without meeting any fellow Dopers IRL, I’m feeling a little left out. Anybody else interested in getting together sometime this fall?

Quite possibly, depending on timing and location. Planning on setting something up? We have several from Southern Ohio who might not mind kicking off their shoes and coming across the border if the price was right. If you want to let the buckeyes in that is. :smiley:

Well, I could be persuaded to set something up, if interest was expressed. Though it doesn’t look like folks are beating down the doors at the moment…

Let ‘em in? I wouldn’t impose any residency requirements! Just so long as they don’t bring goetta. Hell, dopers from OH, IN, WV, VA, TN, IL or any ol’ place are welcome. We’re hospitable around here, after all.

Depending on where it is, I can serve as the WV delegation.

Well, there’s a huge bluegrass festival in Ashland, VA on 9/13, and one of my faves, Hayseed Dixie, will be there. I know it’s far from KY, though.