That’s right, I want to know if you’ve ever taken it in the back door.:o
If so, how do you feel about it? Is it something you enjoy(ed)? How did you end up trying it?
That’s right, I want to know if you’ve ever taken it in the back door.:o
If so, how do you feel about it? Is it something you enjoy(ed)? How did you end up trying it?
Not a taker but a giver here. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience although it didn’t do anything for the Mrs.
Following Mighty Tiki, I have never and will never take a penis there, but I have enjoyed digital insertion during fellatio. I gotta feel REAL comfy with the lady.
As for being the giver of such, my ex-wife actually preferred that way in certain times (not associated with menstruation). I’d go backdoor more often than front for a period of weeks, then not again at all for another couple. Problem was, after backdoor, she was “satisfied” for a day or two, when I was still randy! Other ladies, a g/f before I wuz married tried it with me once, didn’t get very far, didn’t like it. A g/f AFTER I wuz married tried it with me once, and initial reaction was “never again”, but a little while later was “it wasn’t so bad, we’ll do it again” (Honestly no prompting from me). Unfortunately I was summarily discarded before round two.
Yes I have.
First time with the exfiancee-his idea. Not fun at all.
I have tried it again and while it’ll never give me the same amount of pleasure regular or oral sex will sometimes it’s fun.
Guys…let me give you a few pointers.
Ask first
Use lubricant-Astroglide is good
Go slowly-this is not the time or place for the pounding
Keep the stimulation going in other areas-keep those fingers busy
When done right (see hardygrrl’s pointers), it is very much enjoyable.
OK, I’m brave enough for this.
Yup, I’ve [sub]ahem[/sub] taken it. How did we end up doing it? Big ole combination of curiosity, trust and red wine. I’d like to add a “hear-hear” to hardygrrl’s suggestions and also recommend that the top talk the bottom through the first time (it helped me relax).
[sup]who’s in the habit of sharing things with the SD community that would turn her mum grey[/sup]
And just when I had decided to stop being a board slut…
I’m now the expert on anal sex
You say that like it’s a bad thing…
I’ve been topped on more than one occasion. Guys have a prostate–which makes it really really pleasurable if done carefully and gently. ('this is not the time or place for pounding. -Hardygrrl)
To answer the OP’s question:
I first did it with a very trusted friend of mine. I wouldn’t exactly call him my boyfriend–but he’s very special to me. It was also the same night I lost my virginity.
At the time, it was thrilling. But for a long time afterwards–I felt really ‘violated’ and hard on myself. I had to cope with the whole ‘loss of innocence’ thing during a time when I still felt really guilty about liking other guys. I was still living closeted. And I wasn’t even of legal age yet.
To answer the other part of your question…well…(he blushes softly)
I’m really ‘tight’ because my body has a very lithe frame. As such–I’ve always had trouble accomodating lovers without feeling a bit of pain back there. On the flip-side, I’ve topped people before who have loved every second of it and not been hurt. There are three parts to it–lube, size, and mental control. Relaxing the anus takes a lot of concentration, but supposedly gets easier with practice. It’s a skill I don’t have down yet.
I’d say if you’re curious, to go for it. It’s relatively harmless to try. Unless you’re one of those crazy fundamentalists who believes that even fantasizing about anal sex will damn you to hell.
Never received it, never will (unless I go to prison, I guess). Giving it is not very appealing to me, I can’t get over the whole ‘poop on your dick’ phobia, though I had a girlfriend once who wanted it and I decided to give it a try. I only got the head of it in before she changed her mine, I guess she couldn’t relax enough, and we never tried it again.
I’ve stuck a finger in there on more than one occasion, though not much further than the first knuckle.
That should have been ‘mind’, not ‘mine’.
I’ve given it. My wife really likes it this way. It was a normal part of our sex life. so far the hints have been good, though I can tell you for a fact that after someone is used to doing this spit works well as a lubracant.
For those REALLY intersted there is a book called “The ultamite guide to Anal Sex for Women” sorry don’t remember the author as the book is at my wife’s house. It’s pretty new, I found it at Boarders and it cost like 12-15 bucks. It was a very good read and anyone who is intersted might want to think about picking it up. I usually always look through the sex books and this was one of the few that said there is nothing wrong with anal sex. most of the other books usually said don’t do it.
For those of you who have positive experiences either giving or receiving, is girth a big (no pun intended) concern?
I have yet to meet a women who will let me put my member in her anus. This is true for women who have said they generally enjoy anal sex, too.
Is it possible for someone to enjoy having a fairly big one in them in this way?
I figure you just have to work your way up to it, but no one seems to agree with me thus far.
Thanks to everyone so far for sharing their experiences!
Oh, and hardygrrl, you have earned a special place in my heart.
And Edward The Head, you are one lucky MoFo…
Keep practicing Ashtar! I’m sure someone will appreciate your efforts very much!
The first time I tried it was with a jerk. After that I was very hesitant to try it again. When a guy would ask I would say I have a rule about that: If I can do it to you first, I’ll let you do it to me. Amazingly enough I met a wonderful guy who said ok. After that I had no problem trusting him and we enjoyed it on a regular basis. Although I have only done it to him once, he has admitted that it was a turn on for me to take him. Got to love a man that will give to you the things he wants you to give to him!!
I’ve done it once or twice, drunk on both occasions. Would I try it sober? Probably. Would I enjoy it? I dunno. Although, I’ve always wondered, and this is as good of a place to ask as any, what does a guy think about as he’s ramming his member up someone else’s ass? It just seems like a bizarre idea for me to grasp. Course, that’s just me. I had a friend offer to try it with me, but I figured that wouldn’t count, because he was only offering for my benefit. Any guys who willingly participate in this form of pleasure who can shine some light on this mystery for me?
From what I’ve been told by guys, part of it is purely physical. The backdoor is tighter than the front.
And the taboo, " look how naughty/experimental I am" part is a big factor as well.
I’ve been the “giver” with two great ladies (not at the same time… yet).
With each girl it was extremely enjoyable for me, and they claimed the same for them. In fact, each of them started asking for it regularly.
As for what I am feeling when doing a girl that way, I agree with Hardygrrl. Physically it feels great, and the feeling of trust I get from the girl allowing me to do that is profound.
The times we did this where I was “taking by force” instead of being “allowed to have” were off the scale, totally earth-shaking experiences for us both. Normally I’m quite gentle about this kind of thing, for the reasons already stated by others in this thread. But doing it roughly and without permission was sigh UNBELIEVABLE for us both.
Yes, the back door is open quite a bit here.
How do I feel about it and do I enjoy it? The fact that I do it every now and then, and sometimes crave it should answer those questions. Some days it feels awesome
How did I end up trying it? The same way I ended up trying a lot of sex acts. It seemed like a good idea at the time (which it was).
As far as girth, if TD was any larger, I wouldn’t like it much. Big equals “ouch”, in more places than just there. I return the favor now and then using a finger or vibe in him while I do oral.
Tips? Lube lube lube. When you think you have enough, use more. And keep it in reach for adding more now and then. And at first, hold still and let the girl do the work. If, after she’s comfortable and she starts slamming, then and only then is it okay to start doing it yourself. (At least with me).
Yep, we do it every now and then. I have had times when I’ve asked to stop, but mostly, I’ve been begging for more. It’s not something I want to do on a regular basis, but I think it’s a great way to spice things up.
As for lube, I recommend baby oil. We use quite a lot of it, and baby oil is cheap. And Tequila is right, let the girl do the work to begin with.
I have to go now or I’ll die of embarrassment.
Have to agree with TM,both on the size issue and the style.
As long as the initial entry is slow and well lubed, I’ll start asking for the pace and the pressure to pick up. Especially when the guy holds me close to him,uses his hands elsewhere and kisses the back of my neck or shoulders…
::deep sigh::