I have heard the rumor that Michael Moore once tried to get homecomming canceled at his school because he could not get a date, being the portly fellow he is. I did, however, hear that rumor on a conservative talk show. If true, I think it would yield some light on his egocentric antics. However, there are a lot of false rumors running around in political circles and if it is false I would like to know as well. I am far from a Michael Moore fan, but unlike him I think you should only be critical of a man over true things and not the mad ravings of a rumor mill. Does anybody have any information supporting or refuting that rumor which is not politically biased and that stands up over scrutiny?
I’ll try to conceal my shock.
My guess is that the guy on the radio was being facetious.
He was ‘political’ at a early age in Flint. He sat on some coucil or something like that. I recall that there was some flap over something he did or said, but I can’t recall what it was specifically about. Darned if I can recall where I heard about it.
And if I could be more vague, I would be. Almost certainly.
He was the youngest person ever to serve on the Davison Board of Education, being elected at age 18.
Propers to you!
So it was on the Davison Board of Education that some kerfuffle occurred. A quick googling does not reveal what that would be.
I saw an interview with him the other day. He said when he was in high school he lobbied to have the principal fired, and they did fire the principal.
Sounds like an ad-hominem attack using his weight problem, thinly veiled as an attack on his character (“this is the type of thing he does!”)
Or, it might have been a joke.
And yes, it’s possible that it’s true.
I LOVE this. Even if it is true, it’s just another example of killing the messenger. Rightwingers cannot adequately address what Michael Moore says, so they dig for ways to attack him personally. Like that episode of Buffy where somebody (Anya?) couldn’t think of a witty comeback, so she goes “Nice hair!”
OMFG! He may not have gone to his prom and now he attacks the Republicans in revenge. The logic is so clear! Perhaps Osama couldn’t get a date because his beard was scraggly and that’s why he attacked the WTC. It all makes perfect sense now! :rolleyes:
Personally I say kudos to the OP for recognizing that even when you dislike a person you should retain your critical reasoning powers and not automatically believe every derogatory rumor you hear about them. If more people thought like this it’d be a better world.
I agree, it’s sick and disgusting. Attacks of this nature cannot be tolerated.
Therefore, apologies should be forthcoming to Kenneth Starr and John Ashcroft from a lot of poeple, especially on this mesage board, for questioning their motives.
Stealing from a comedian I saw
Well he is the middle child of 50.
Doesn’t this presuppose an impartial messenger, not one writing his own message with a particularly aggressive stance toward one particular point of view?
I disagree. Rightwingers can and do “adequately address” what he says all the time. The type of thing being discussed here goes to his possible motivations, given that he clearly plays fast and loose with the truth.
Hey, you’re right…it could be something like this, after all. Maybe an Anglo stole his girlfriend when he was 13 or 14 and he never got over it.
But the fact of the matter is, even if he did try to get his high school prom cancelled, it has nothing at all to do with the validity of what he says in F-9/11.
not that the OP was actually asking about that. . .
You don’t see the difference between saying, “Ken Starr is an unabashed partisan, and thus his investigative objectivity might fairly be questioned”–or even, “Michael Moore is an unabashed partisan, and thus the objectivity of his film might fairly be questioned”–and saying, “Michael Moore couldn’t get a date to his prom and that’s why he’s an egomaniac”?
FWIW, I don’t believe this rumor is true.
However, let’s pretend it’s true, and MM tried to get his high school homecoming cancelled because he couldn’t find a date. That’s a pretty good example of something an egomaniac would do. “I can’t have something, so NOBODY is going to have it.”
I realize that absence of proof doesn’t equal proof of absence but Googling “Michael Moore prom,” “Michael Moore cancel prom,” Michael Moore prom date" and a few other variations on that theme yields no relevant hits (other than a site labeled “pictures of Michael Moore” that wouldn’t load for me; maybe his prom picture is there?).
I found this site purporting to be posts from people who knew him in high school, none of whom mention the alleged prom incident.
His school board election is IIRC discussed by Moore in The Big One, his documentary about his book tour for “Stupid White Men.” I thought he discussed it in one of his books too but a cursory review of the three I have doesn’t turn it up (damn his lack of indexing!).
The latest rumor I was told was that Moore tried to blow up his high school, but the guy who told it to me first said that it was while Moore was in high school, then changed his story to it happened during the production of TV Nation, and when confronted with the fact that his story changed in less than three minutes called me a rapist, so I don’t think he’s a reliable source.
Sorry, his tour for “Downsize This!”.