Anybody else have an aversion to certain cups?

I only drink from glasses at home.

I hate any plastic cups/tumblers. I hate those cups that are clear on the outside, and have a colored plastic inside and are really big. I don’t like those frosted-looking cups that you get at bowling alleys and Pizza Huts. I don’t save my “Special Edition”/themed cups from McDonalds to drink out of at home. I don’t like styrofoam either. I don’t even really like mugs.

I’ll drink from those cups if I had no choice and was really thirsty but I don’t drink from them at home. My friend has plastic cups and I have to always ask for a glass. I think it’s a cleanliness thing. Her boyfriend has the same thing too though.

Am I the only one?

Well, in preschool I thought Hydrox cookies were poison. I would only eat Oreos. I thought the Sunday school teachers were trying to kill us because I didn’t know they were cheap.

Does that count?

Do you feel better? :slight_smile:

At home, we have these plain old plastic cups that would be fine, except they’re bright snot-colored green!

And my mom always keeps trying to serve me milk in them. PUKE!

As long as the cup is clean OR filled with beer, I’ll drink it.

No, I can’t drink out of plastic glasses. Tupperware in particular turns my stomache.

Squeaky against the teeth, horribly un-ecologically sound, styrofoam cups are the worst.

I believe they banned all forms of styrofoam containers (cups/plates) in some parts of California. This made MacDonalds and Burger King re-think those old styrofoam containers and go back to cardboard-ish boxes to hold the burgers.

I’ll drink from anything, as long as it doesn’t have living creatures crawling around in it.

No, wait. Make that, I’ll drink from anything, as long as I can shake out any living creatures first.

I consider a tea mug with a good thick layer of brown crud on the inside to be well-seasoned.

Years ago at Ball State U., there was a hubbub over this. One of the campus snack bars was washing and reusing their plastic cups. The state Board of Health minimum temp for sanitary dishwashing, though, would have deformed the plastic, had they been doing it right


I do not like those huge coffee cups which look like soup bowls with a handle. Who are you trying to kid? You’re not French. I drink out of jam jars. Plastic is gross and unhealthy. My favorite mug was a small ceramic one without a handle- halfway through drinking whatever liquid was in it, a little frog’s head would appear.

In my youth, I liked all cups. A, B, C, D, DDD…you get the picture. Never turned one down.

In my middle age, I seemed to have centered on C as a minimum with no limit on top end.

As I have reached late middle age , I find myself attracted to almost anything that draws near. :wink:

Can’t stand Tupperware-style cups with teeth marks on the rim. Yuck. They are uncomfortable on the lips and seem dirty to me, even when freshly washed. But it’s what you get when you have little kids in the house I guess.

I usually drink out of coffee mugs at home, but glasses at work–I think it’s because the mugs hold more at home and I am usually settling down for a long read when I get a glass of water. I will also frequently use a canning jar for this purpose as well.

Wow. I thought this was a “I hate the World Cup” thread, and I was getting all puffed up and defensive. What an idiot.

I hate plastic cups. I don’t mind polystyrene cups because you can skid them across a table and watch the coffee resonate and see droplets leap and scatter out of the cup. Fun.

For cold drinks, it must be glass (or, in the absence of suitable glasses for canned beer, the can it came in). I consider it hideously incorrect to drink water from a ceramic mug or cup.

I cannot stand clear glass coffee cups/mugs. There’s something about seeing the coffee through the glass that makes me ill. I also cannot stomach food served on clear plates. Tupperware cups are farily revolting also. They make the beverage taste funny.

Cups. We’re talking material, shape, and appearance, here.

Material. Every material except glass and ceramic leaves a taste. Plastic sometimes actually reacts with the contents, which is scary and gross. I go for glass. Paper is a distant second.

Shape. Excepting spirits, any shape is ok my me. With aromatics, the shape of the cup has a big impact on the effect, so the right cup is best.

Appearance. Don’ get me started. There are some cups so gross (weird plastic colors have been mentioned) that ya’d use your hands, given half a chance. On the wonderfully opposite hand, there are works of art in glass that really add to anything that’s in 'em.

I can tell you my all-time favorite drinking receptacle is a colored aluminum cup (filled with cold milk!). I have fond memories of drinking from these in my aunt’s yard when I was little. It makes the milk SMELL good!

As long as the cup does not have anything resembling frosted glass on it, I’m cool.

It’s a touch thing.

I don’t like coffee or tea out of a dark colored cup or mug. Black is the worst! I need to be able to see my tea or coffee so I can’t have any color darker than a pastel.
I do have a plastic mug that I use constantly to drink soda out of (with a straw, preferably a bendy straw, however). The mug came from a Muscular Dystrophy Telethon event from about a million years ago. It had one of those Jerry Lewis caricatures on it and some words,most of which have washed off over the years. It looks like one of those root beer mugs, sort of. I like it because it is lightweight and HAS A HANDLE. This is a very important feature of this mug. It doesn’t break if I drop it (happens infrequently).

You mean like C or D?


Oh, my, the list goes on…

I don’t like glasses, mugs or dishes that are etched or embossed. I’m all for designs, but they must be smooth to the touch.

I don’t like mugs or glasses with thick rims, because that makes for that little drip of beverage that hangs on the outside of the glass (sometimes it even runs down the outside, which is unacceptable).

Although I prefer glasses or disposable plastic cups, I can drink out of non-disposable plastic cups, as long as they’re not all scratched and crackled up, like what happens to them after too many parties in the dishwasher.

Also, the liquid in them must be cold. For example, I can drink room temperature water out of a glass, but out of a plastic cup it just grosses me out.

Damn, I had no idea I was so quirky.

Ahh, who am I kidding? Yes, I did. :smiley: