Anyone able to help with a Latin translation for me?

I’m working on a faux coat of arms or military crest, and would like to add a motto in Latin under it. I’m looking for words to the effect “bright and flexible, we float in the bath”*. I know there are online English to Latin translators out there, but I don’t trust them, and anyway, a human translation is more likely to be idiomatically accurate, which is what I’m after.

*Can you guess what beast will adorn the crest?

Bright as in shining or bright as in intelligent?

Former/latter: luminosi/sapientes molles(que), in balineo supermergemus.

Disclaimer: I have not taken Latin in 3 years, and do not currently have access to a dictionary.

Bright visually - as in bright yellow. (Actually, that’s not really either shining or intelligent). What I really mean is vivid.

Rubber ducky, you’re the one
that makes bathtime lots of fun

Can someone please explain the the bracketed modifier for me? Is it gender specific or something?