Help needed - Latin translation

As a bit of a joke here at work we are designing a coat of arms and we want to have a Latin phrase thereon.

The phrase we were thinking of is “I would rather be called a liar, than be proved wrong” or perhaps “Better to be called a liar, than to be proved wrong”. (Whichever works better I guess.)

Does anybody know enough Latin to translate this for us?

If another variant works better after translation, that would be fine too.

“Deceptio Praecedo Confiteor Confessus”

–Deception Before Admission

Has a ring to it, I guess… :slight_smile:

In college, excelled in version, hated theme, reason being that with theme, you had to know grammar rules whereas with version, you could always guess the meaning of the Latin text:).

That, plus the fact that my Latin is about 40 years old, leads me to the conclusion that I can be of no assistance whatsoever to you.

Come up with a Latin motto next time around: I’ll see what I can do:D.