Anyone else germinating sprouts?

For xmas my sister always gives everyone the same gift. Typically it is something she likes but nobody else does. This year she gave us all sprout germinating kits. At first I thought she’d done it again, but for the past month I’ve been making sprouts and eating sprouts!

I have two quart sized Mason jars. I start one with two tablespoons of seed mix (radish, alfalfa, broccoli, and clover). On day three I start a second jar. On day 5 jar one is ready to eat and lasts long enough so that jar 2 is ready when jar 1 is empty. Each day it takes a minute of attention to keep the sprouts sprouting.

I’ve been using sprouts on sandwiches, in salads, and as a garnish on dinners.

Anyone else?

I’ve got one of those little purpose-built stacking dish gizmoes that you totally don’t need if you have a Mason jar and would like to also have $14.99, but the thing works so nicely that we actually use it all the time. When the spouts are big enough, you put just that one dish in the fridge and keep the others out while they continue to grow.

The only sprouts I’ve ever generated were mung bean sprouts and I didn’t use a kit. Just a damp paper towel.

I’ve been doing that with my jars. One is usually in the fridge, the other on the counter. At first my gf was a bit underwhelmed, but now she eats sprouts every single day.

The next time I need seeds, mung bean is on my list.

My gf is impressed by the $$ savings. She never looked at the price of sprouted sprouts in the grocery store, but she looked last weekend and was surprised.

We have a setup and used to use it regularly. This thread is a good impetus to start it up again.

I mentioned sprouts to a friend, and that led to her getting her set-up going again!