They’ve been running this show on ABC at 10 PM the last few days, and I’ve found it really fascinating. I really felt for the beginning prosecutor they had on last night. I’m glad I’m not in his position - no room for errors, is dressed down by the judge AND his boss, and has no chance to get a decent case.
It’s also amazing that they got the mayor to agree to let them film the inner sanctum like that. Seems like some of the people involved would really get pissed when they see this though. Is the same guy still in office?
Tom “Mumbles” Menino is most certainly still in office. The last time he faced reelection he won pretty decisively. I am usually pretty glad I don’t actually live in Boston…the politics there always seem so petty and dysfunctional. Not Menino’s fault of course, but I understand he is pretty typical for a Boston politician.
I love this show! Except for the lady cop. She spent way too much time reminding me she was a Lesbian. I caught that the first time! And I don’t want to hear any more about how she was hassled for it. Get over it, officer!
I’m not from Boston. I have no ties to Boston. But I like how ABC has focused mostly on regular people and, so far, only one high profile person, the Mayor!
I think it’s important that people get a peek into what a court really is like. . . how things slip through the cracks because victims won’t cooperate or the D.A. is simply to overburdened and can’t even produce the simplest evidence. The Law is not like what we see on THE PRACTICE or PERRY MASON or even LAW & ORDER.
I’m definitely looking forward to the next episode(s).