Anyone else working today?

Yes, I worked yesterday 3 - 8 (closing). Everything went fine, with the exception of one shop lifting attempt, which I stopped.

I got a Birthday gift bag, as is the tradition at the store. It contained a pair of thermal socks, a winter hat, and some Method soap, based on my store purchases this year.

I worked yesterday. 24/7/365 operation. You can have a holiday off…as long as it falls on one of your regular days off. ( or if you’ve got the seniority to be one of the half-dozen or so they let off )

Y’know I actually like it better that way: No drama as to which part of the family will feel snubbed if I don’t travel to visit them…and no travel either.

I wouldn’t have been working on Christmas Day anyway, but I was furloughed a couple of days before.

I’m an artist and self-employed, so I never get a day off.

At least I’m not alone.