Anyone for a game of Mornington Crescent?

Oh dear, it seems you had forgotten that the Welsh-Lambert-Smithson-Paddington-Butcher-Baker-Candlestickmaker Amendment went onto effect on January 1 of this year, because now I can play Heathrow Tube 4 and hold onto my claims and it also invokes the dredges. Last year, Hounslow Stattion was undoubtedly the correct play, to be fair.

It’s a brave man who goes that far out on the Picadilly line, Gangster Octopus.

I’ll call your bluff, move back to Ravenscourt Park and pick up an opportunity card.


I believe that even the least erudite can see the Chance of reward offered here.

So if I call anywhere on the Bakerloo line, I can swap 3 green tokens for your 2 experience cards, but then I’m vunerable if someone with 5 stars gets two stations on Central.


You’ll prise my experience cards out of my cold, dead hands, Saint Cad. I didn’t want to particularly move out of zone 2 but if you’re going to sit there on Vauxhall looking all smug I guess I have no choice.

Ilford - pretty obvious when you think about it.

Given the inevitable delays associated with a CrossRail Initiative that looks like a foul move according to Smithick and Westchaste, two tokens penalty for Illuminatiprimus.

Given we are at Ilford, Hugh Harman always suggested a redoubt via Blackhorse Road to avoid bankruptcy.

That is quite a conservative play and is more suited to the Sunday morning crowd at the Iron Horse.

Jeromes 14th had a small footnote suggesting an entertaining and picaresque detour to

Grange Hill

watch out for the flying sausage.

I wanted to play Amersham, which seems to score six by a side-lemming jump. That’s permitted under the Leinster Rules that we play here, but from plays so far I can see you’re reversing tolkens to the old System.

If it’s out, then I guess it’s Barbican for a five and threequarter. Or do you score it metrically?

My god, [thread=604911]I was just talking about this.[/thread] Thanks!

I love MC on the dope, what with all the different schools and styles. It’s like MMA for MC.

The recent Canadian series was like a incubator for strategy, and I’m betting that y’all weren’t watching too closely when A.W. F. Edwards used an Regency-inspired apparent ‘dead end’ in which he was ‘cornered’.

Or, succinctly : Ealing Broadway

I’ve received a letter from a Mrs. Trellis of North Wales. She suggests Barking.

Are you sure this was a Mornington Crescent suggestion, versus a general lifestyle suggestion? :smiley:

With respect to the lady, I think the Barking transmute has to be considered a junior or intermediate level play. At master level, it has been totally refuted after Zelensky’s debacle in Brno.

After an Amersham side-lemming (or a Barbican one if you won’t allow my Amersham), the transmute is too costly, and the tempo can’t be retrieved.

It may seem like a gold pawn, but it’s proved to be illusory in expert hands. The three-quarter penalty clouds the remainder of the “shimmy”, as we call it round here.

I think we need to get this moving and I suggest we shift to -

Bow Church

(Yes, I know what this leads to!)

Since when has the Docklands Light Railway been permitted in Mornington Crescent?!

Okay, I have not played for a few years now but it’s a* Light Railway *for God’s sake…

I will bow the the OP/game moderator but if it is allowed I’ll just play Bow Road for the irony of it.

If on the other hand “what this leads to” is the disqualification of Michael of Lucan then I’ll play Lambeth Bridge on the basis that when in doubt fall back on the left hand rule.

With respect, I take exception to your implication, the meaning of which must be apparent to any senior player. My family have pleyed for many years, and none of us have ever been accused of playing the Greek system.

I should report your post, but I will accept your “Lambeth Bridge” to avoid interfering with other people’s enjoyment of the game. I do this in the interests of a good game, but I wish my protest to remain on record.

Well, you know what they say, “It isn’t truly a game of Mornington Crescent until someone plays Lambeth Bridge during a back-and-forthy.”

Not so fast there, from Lambeth Bridge I will reverse the Bishops, cash out my Oyster card and take us to
Gloucester Road

Those familiar with the Leinster compendium of 1932 should understand. (assuming the Oyster card to half fathing conversion is allowed)

Net profit overall, I’d say.


And I was a mere three weeks away from a Wapping-Smitherton Conjunction - which permits, after the specified Lull Period, as determined by the Lull Determination Table (as found in the Greater Bombay Compendium of 1957), to have declared MC in 17.

Ah well, so close…

So Wargamer looks like he is luring MofL into reverse siding delay loop and it is not entirely apparent if MofL can avoid it without pulling the esoteric, but always amusing Little Chalfont Shunt (you know the references so I won’t bore you with the details)

For the sake of conformity and the opportunity to take hot crumpets I will take the pedestrian access to


No, Edgware leads me to -


The stations used to be doubled here, which made the point more obvious. You can fork the path at Paddington, and create what Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (under his own name) called a syzygy.

No need for a second lemming jump, or the Little Chalfont Shunt. (I never liked the LCS, to be honest, although it’s tempting to make the joke after Monument.)

I am not very happy about Precambrianmollusc’s use of the Oyster card. I guess I’m old fashioned. I still regret that they ever decided to Rule Shift the Light Railway. Next thing we know, we’ll be in Cardiff trying to get to Manchester via Brighton. Enough said.

A syzygy and no oyster cards; yup, you are old-fashioned. Like I said, that’s what I love about the game, especially on the dope- lots of different styles in competition. There’s a lot to be said for old school play - you’re much less likely to come a-cropper when you shuttle in.