Anyone grow up on a farm in Ga? Did you have sex with a mule?


This right winger says evey teenager on those farms did…

Words fail me.

Do you believe him?

I see there was one of this type thread posted before me.

Please close mine.


I dunno, but I imagine that he wouldn’t cop to it if he hadn’t done it. I don’t see it as a joke…

I’d heard that some wait-until-marriage people take it in the ass, but that’s just ridiculous.


Thank God mules are sterile.

If only we’d known this BEFORE we elected Jimmy Carter.

Yes I did. And no I didn’t.

I actually heard a stat on this a while back (from Kinsey, maybe?) and the number was surprisingly high. (Surprising to me, anyway. Maybe we just had an especially unattractive mule.) I want to say it was something like 40% of males raised on farms had sex with an animal at some point. It might have even been 50%.

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Closed at the request of the OP.

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