Anyone Want To Buy A Ghost?

Check it out.

I’m clearly not even close to as skeptical as I should be in order to be a part of this community, because I’m totally intrigued. Yes, there’s a nagging part of me that says this is probably just some person who had a really cool idea to make some money and is going to do just that, but geez…

They’re selling a ghost. In a jar. They say it did bad things to them… come on people! That’s cool!


$86,602,640?! I can understand the “cool” factor, but 86 million dollars?! I can’t believe people would pay that much for some old jar.

Holy crap! The bidding must be going nuts! It started at $99, and last I saw it was around $16k. A hefty price, mind you, $86 MILLION is freaking nuts.

I think George Nory mentioned it on Coast to Coast AM (Formerly paranormal/conspiracy king Art Bell’s show), which may have done a lot to get the tinfoil hat brigade out there bidding.


Now over $90 Million. That is freaking insane… whoever put that thing up is going to make more than enough to live the rest of their lives out in luxury by selling a jar. If their story is true, they just got incredibly rich by ditching their bad luck charm. If their story is made up, they just got incredibly rich by selling A JAR.

So, skeptical types… don’t you wish that you had thought of it first?


Yes. I believe that someone is going to pay $90 million for a jar. This incredibly rich person would rather buy a jar, sight basically unseen, based on the incredible evidence of someone’s being able to type a story into a text box, instead of a large company, or a personal office building. Or the yacht to end all yachts.

Sure, I believe it. To what better use could money be put?


I believe that some has bid 90 million for this thing about as much as I believe that’s really a ghost in the jar.

Cute story, though.

A quick glance at the history of the two most recent bidders shows that the 90 million dollar man apparently ran some kind of dot-com company, and is currently engaged in liquidating all of its assets over ebay.

His predecessor was somebody who buys a lot of expensive tech stuff off of ebay.

Just thought I’d keep the info coming.


Wow. It’s an entire pocket industry.

I’m particularly amused by the Ghost in a Jar of Peanut Butter. Check out the phantom bad dancer in the bottom picture!

Hm… it only shows the high bid as $4,450 as of 7:38 EST this AM.

I’ve got an old brass spitoon. I think a leprechaun once shat in it. At least, it looks like something a leprechaun would shit in.

What am I offered? :rolleyes:

E-Bay is the Global Internet Scam Engine™ . No lie. :stuck_out_tongue:

That peanut butter jar is funny. I like the description they give of, “a picture is worth a thousand words” and that horrible dancing ghost picture is their proof. The high bid is $0.01!

As for the other one, there are people out there who would believe almost anything, and unfortunately some of those people would pay almost anything just to get their hands on something like that. I’ve got a few faulty pieces of electrical equipment I could pass off as haunted…:cool:

The real question is…

If he was alone in the cemetery, who took the picture?

Perhaps a “white thing” followed him home as well as “the black thing.”

Hmmmm…I wonder if I can get money for selling my haunted suitcase…

Look out, maybe it is an Ancient Relic™ needed for some Dark and Horrible Ritual™ to call cover the world with Darkness Everlasting (patent pending)!

That is the only reason I could think off why some one would spend that much money on a jar. It must be important! Someone STOPS that guy!

I never knew there was a section on Ebay for paranomal stuff.

I could buy time to have tarot cards read…via email.
God, all those years I wasted in mutual funds.

I could just do something like that. If only I didn’t have morals and fear getting a cell mate named Bertha.

And there there is Ghost In My Pants! .

Holy Crikes.

The new wave of Miss Cleo’s has landed. Linkey poo

The bidding now stands at $25,000 and this message is on the page:

I’d personally give 'em $10 bucks for it.

Well there we go. Some will try to imitate, others will try to cash in via novelty, but don’t we all wish that we (skeptical side) thought of it first (non-skeptical side) had the original ghost in a jar?

The current high bidder recently bought tooth whitener, a cap that says “Datsun” on it, a cell phone and accessories for his new phone. Now he’s going to buy a ghost. In a jar. For a lot of money.


I wonder how much I could make off a Monster Under My Bed?

Bidding is closed.


Morons United.

Cerebral Paralysis.


Wow, just think of how much money Velma could have made by selling her Cooler of Evil!