I was just wondering…I mean, I know I am a reletively new poster to this board, but in the last week I have noticed that Esprix seems to make a hobby out of being gay!

I am personally all for anyone having the right to be with whatever sex they want, and I think the Gay Marriage/Live Partners thing is great, but honestly…I did a search just to see if there was one single thread you posted to that you didn’t mention being Gay, or Gay Rights!
Know what, the only one I found that didn’t scream “Feel bad for me, I’m a homosexual!” was the one you just posted about your little moving plans.

Well, you asked for a chance to meet in the pit, and here I am, you fucking asshole!!!

I would say give me your best shot, but I guess I’m the wrong sex!!!

Merry Christmas!!! MUAHHHHHH:)


Deja Vu - seen before

Presque Vu - almost seen

Jamais Vu - never seen

sassyKY Vu - not worth seeing

So, it’s a hobby now? :rolleyes:
It isn’t like Esprix is the only person on the boards with an agenda. However, if you took the time to read what he posts, and not just skim for key words, you would see that he is intelligent and articulate.

Yeah, Yeah, I know, but If you must blame anyone, blame esprix, he was the one who invited me here!


Somehow, I doubt Esprix would invite anyone who didn’t know him. He talks about what he cares about.

In short, you can cry me a river, build me a bridge, and then get your whiny ass over it.

Gee, Sassy, tell us how you REALLY feel…
sits back, sips her hot chocolate and waits for Esprix to come in and tell Sassy to fck herself…*

Oh, the horror…

Sure, it’s a hobby. From 9 to 5, Esprix is a shiny heterosexual republican[sup]*[/sup] with a wife, 2.3 kids, and a stationwagon. He works at an accountancy firm.

But at night, Esprix goes ALL OUT, baby! Flaming homosexual all the way!! Woohooo!!!

Feh. I can’t make it work. That must have been the lamest rant I’ve seen since Jack Dean Tyler said: “Get your hands off my dick, you mutulating bastard!”.


[sup]*[/sup] = those in the know will get the reference…

[Edited by Coldfire on 12-15-2000 at 09:14 PM]

Christ Awmighty, didn’t we just go through this?

And it was boring before!

Well, I missed it the first time, so I’ll be making some popcorn. Anybody want some?

Dear pathetic bigoted bitch:

I shall deal with thy post ‘points’ one by one.

The term is practicing homosexual. Esprix has gone beyond that to being a professional homosexual. Please consult your personal copy of the Gay Agenda™ for information on the grievance process.

Thank you for your magnanimous display. We appreciate your submission and return to you that Esprix just recently made an OP about his annoyance with country music that had no mention of his gayness. He will stop asking you to feel bad because he is oppressed when you stop feeling bad for being incredibly stupid.

And we are far from impressed. Did you just force evolve an opposable thumb so you could type this pathetic rant?

And the wrong species. Esprix is more picky than just choosing to sleep with males… they also have to be human. I know some who have lesser standards, and I now direct you to Michelangelo Signorile who will take his best shot.

And a happy pagan new year to you as well.


Hey, Hastur-what kind of benefits do you get with the GAI?

Dammit, Hastur, I was going to point out Esprix’s professionalism. Like I’m professionally straight. Except somebody might be willing to PAY him. As for me, as recently as yesterday I couldn’t even pay someone else for it. “Not for a million bucks,” she said.

I can’t inform you of the benefits package until I confirm your sexual preference via catscan and DNA testing. After being tested, you will be given your introductory packet and your special Gay Agenda™ cell phone/beeper which keeps you in contact with us 24 hours a day.

If you are not found to be gay, there is another organization which you might try: Binaries(for the bi-sexual who wants to undermine the family unit).

Have a nice day and thank you for your interest in the Gay Agenda™.

Well, Esprix has done a wonderful job of standing up for the rights of people he disagrees with, so I certainly must applaud him for that and do the same for him!

Personally, I’ve thought he’s done a wonderful service. “Ask me those questions which you’d otherwise be afraid to and I’ll give you a fair and honest answer”. That level of honesty is also much applaudable!

Even though I’m sure that him and I would disagree on several issues (promised a debate on hate crimes legislation, for example), I certainly support the right of people to do as they see fit so long as they don’t infringe upon the rights of another.

So yes, you have the right to not read his threads as well as the right to open a thread like this to express your beliefs just as Esprix has the right to speak on whatever issues he chooses, just as every one of these people here has the right to respond to either thread as they see fit.

Ooooh…I can’t lie…I admit it! I tried to fool the Gay Agenda, even though I’m straight. See, I have a brain tumor…and my insurance won’t cover it…I…I thought I could lie and get some other insurance…I’m so weak, brothers, sisters!

I can’t take the lying anymore! I feel so dirty!

Being “suttle” again?

I was too “suttle”. Here.

No, I am not tired of Esprix’s flamboyant gayness. What I am sick of is you dumbasses bitching about it. Look, if you hate it so much, don’t read it!! Is that so hard to get through your thick heads? SMACK There, did that help?
I hope so.
Those were just to make me feel better. I’m in a whimsical mood.
Esprix, don’t listen to them. You’re great just the way you are.

Hmmm…I never thought of Esprix’s routine as a “poor gay martyr” thing, or a “feel bad for me” thing. I think it is more like “Weeeheee! Look how much fun it is to be gay!” Esprix is well-versed in the issues affecting the homosexual population and he has an interest in discussing these issues. He definitely takes an activist role. His contributions are important, as he often beings information to the table which is not well-known outside of the gay community. Also, he and the other gays and lesbians on the board serve as reminders to avoid heterocentrism.

So, no, I am not tired of Esprix’s ‘poor gay martyr’ routine because it doesn’t exist. And I am not tired of Esprix in general.

I am tired of you, however. I have noticed quite a few of your posts in the less-than-a-week that you have been here, and have been (shall we say) unimpressed.