Apparently, I'm a hottie

To avoid hijacking Very Vaguely Creepy any further, I’m moving the flirting/fighting over me to here. See here if you don’t know what I’m talking about.

I think you’re very very cute in a cute Dwight Yoakam kind of way, only cute while he isn’t. If Zoggie wants to bring it, she can. :smiley:

He is!! I thought he was superbly hot in terms of personality and wit, but he’s also hot looking. He is rivalled only by an evil dachshund. Seriously.

Gunslinger, you are sexy sexy sexy!!

Oh, of course the personality and wit are hotter than an oven-fresh muffin, but he’s also physically hot! I don’t know if that dachshund line is a compliment…!!!

AND, aren’t you Texan, Gunslinger?

Its a compliment. As a rule, I prefer dogs to guys. Its only speshul guys that I harbor secret feelings for. you’re on my list, Gun. know who else is on my list of hot guys other than thou?


Look at that, she can’t even spell how she feels about you!
Nobody else knows who any of the people on my hot list are; they’re all race car drivers or second-tier country singers…


That’s reason No. 67
[sub][sup]am i scaring you yet? i’m not meaning to…[/sub][/sup]

Argh…::does slow burn::

Okay, well maybe you are the Spelling Maven, but I I am willing to slather him with hot oil and then lick it off slowly. Plus I would order him pizza every night but I would make sure none of it spilled onto his sexy leather.

I wouldn’t limit myself to hot-oil-licking and pizza-ordering. It’s all him, babe, and trust me I can come up with some spicy ideas on my own. I just prefer not to tell others of my “speshul” plans. But when we get behind closed doors…

Aw hell, why wait? ::looking around for Gunslinger::

Oh yeah? I’d force the cold silver steel muzzle of a gun up his ass and curl my finger round the trigger while I gave him a hand job. Who wouldn’t want to experience that?


At the end of this, you’re going to have to tell us who you prefer. Who’s winning so far? ::pops out a cold silver knife blade:: Just curious.

I mentioned you in a thread, my little Gunny Bunny.

I come off as a bit psychotic, but lovable all the same.

New pics.

I drew a sketch of you as a gunslinger last night… unfortuneately I drew it on lined paper in my Creative Writing notebook, so I’m not sure it will scan. It’s kind of your face and the body of the Buckshot logo…

Oh are we playing like THAT now, Zoggie? Two can do that. ::k’ching::

Ooooooh those pics! Makes me wish I could jump right into computerland and …

Yes we are. I’m prepared to get masochistic. And sadistic too, for that matter.

I know. You make a good gunslinger, my boy. They are tasty pics. Would be good with some liver and chianti sauce…and fava beans.

i tried

I don’t see any pics. Just the “broken image” thingy. :frowning:

Damn, works for me. My friend can’t see it either. It must be the Go Network. Crappy home-page provider if there ever was one. Try again tomorrow?!?! Grrr.

Sorry I cawn’t see it either. I’m sure it looks realistic.