Apparently its harder to find a 3xl star trek uniform than I thought

For halloween I want to go as spock but I’m having trouble finding a 3xl shirt. I can wear a 2xl and that fits me but I’d prefer a 3xl. I’d always assumed star trek had an entire line of clothing devoted to the morbidly obese.

Apparently not.

Even a 2X is hardly an image of Spock. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather be Neelix?

You can get a size 48here which is a borderline 2X-3X but @ $ 300 I think it might be more prudent to cut some eye holes in a big black trashbag and go as Armus.

He needs to find this Vulcan’s tailor.

If he gussied up the trash bag he could go for General Zod.

Krypton sucks.

I’ve heard of people crash-dieting to get in shape for switsuit season; do people crash-diet to get in shape for Halloween?

It shouldn’t be that hard. Jonathan Frakes had to be wearing at least that size by the last season. :smiley:

At just under 12 stone in weight and a 32" waist, I must be quite a svelte Trekker. Its hard finding t-shirts of my size on EBay sometimes too :stuck_out_tongue:

You could brush yourself with Elmer’s Glue, roll around in some kitty litter, and go as the Horta from Devil In The Dark.

That depends on the funhouse mirror.

True fans, make their own costumes, not buy them.

I laughed so hard at this, whilst trying to keep composure in my office, that I think I had a stroke.

“I lost 10% of my brain reading the SDMB!”

I would looooove to see an Extra Large Stormtrooper outfit.

Not a stormtrooper, but you could go as TRON…

Sounds like it’s time to call Garak!

Go as Scotty for Star Trek 7. He was definately 3x by then.

Every time I see the title of this thread, I can’t help but think of Larry Groznic from The Onion.

Obligatory Simpsons Quote.

That scene was the first thing that came to mind when I couldn’t find a star trek shirt.

Don’t bother. They’re too expensive.

**Storekeeper:**Ooh, a fat sarcastic star trek fan; You must be a devil with the ladies.