not loading...

Well, that about sums it up. If i go to, or any site off of that main site, all that loads is the main navigation bare at the top of every page. My status bar then just becomes about half way green, tells me that is loading, and then doesn’t seem to go any further. Mind you, I also just tested to see if it was slow by letting it load for hours, and still no effect. I am wondering if it is just me, or if Apple’s site just doesn’t load.

I like to view movie trailers, and that is one of the best places to do it, but now I can’t. (Incidently, if I et a link to a trailer, all I get is the background loaded up, and then the same thing happens.)

For what it’s worth I’m running IE 6 on Win XP. Is this some kind of penalty from Apple for not using their product? Seriously, this is problem I would like remidied, so any suggestions are welcome.

[sub]fixed link - DrMatrix[/sub]

Hmm- very odd. Your link does not open. The Apple link on my toolbar opens okay, and opens for me. So do the links on the Apple opening page.

I am surfing with Safari, trying to use as few MS apps as possible.

Maybe the Evil Empire is up to something, who knows.

Your link doesn’t open because it includes a comma. I assume this is NOT your true problem, but just as a PSA for anyone else who tries to use your link…that’s why.

Your link has a comma at the end, which is killing it. Otherwise, loads in very rapidly for me. Their pages and servers seem to be well-tuned. :slight_smile: However - I tried playing a trailer, and all that worked was the sound. Guess there’s a worm in the apple? <G>

I’m running IE 6 on Win98SE.

Yeah, a commna snuck it’s way into the hyperlink. I downloaded Opera browser and tried that, same effect. I just tried connecting with my laptop, and it connects, but in the status bar it says ‘done, but with errors on page.’ My laptopn has IE with Win98. Myabe those erroes don’t like my desktop? The error reads as follows:
Line: 84
Char: 2
Error: Object Expected
Code: 0

So it just seems like a picture or something wasn’t there. That shouldn’t prevent it from loading, should it? Should I try updating my Java? I know that when Java treid to install with Opera it gave an error message about a memory address, I decided to jsut cancel that, since i already had Java, but maybe it’s bad?

OK, so I uninstall Java, and when I try to reinstall, I get the following error message:

that seems bad, like I have a bad section of memory, or something.

Hmmm…although after I closed the install program Java seems to work, as the java pages test worked, and didn’t before I installed it.

Just giving a quick bump, cause I’m afraid this might be a serious problem, what with that scary error message and all.

For what it’s worth, today Apple launched a highly anticipated (and bandwidth-intensive) music service, and to add to that, to use the new service you need to download a new version of iTunes, also released today. A lot of people have been experiencing connection problems, and maybe yours had something to do with that.

Info on that new service: Macworld

No, I’ve had this problem for a while now.