Archer (1/24) -- "The Wind Cries Mary"

Sterling winds up in Vermont with his best (and only) friend, voiced by guest star Timothy Olyphant!

A bit weak overall, but it picked up nicely towards the end.

“OMG! What if I’m gay for Tolkien?!”

"Vermont has liquor stores right? Yeah, they have to. It sucks there.”

“After you passed out, I snuck into your room with a big bottle of suntan oil, put on some Al Green, and-” “Nooooooooooooo!”

“Can we have the radio?”

The looks on Archer’s and Lana’s faces during the final scene are perfect.

Also, once again, everything Krieger says and does is awesome.

Not my favorite episode but then again even the worst episode of Archer is a solid 7/10. :cool:

Pam is great as always - “Maybe you can shut your dick holster.”

Aww, not Pigley too!

Jesus Christ what is wrong with me. This is my favorite show and I missed it again! SHITSNACKS!

Wah wah.

That lemur is screwed!

I remember in previous seasons Comcast had episodes on the On Demand feature but Episode 1 from this season hasn’t shown up yet. I missed that one and really hope they make it available.

I believe an alternate expression of annoyance at one’s own mistakes would be “Dukes!”, to be enhanced to double and triple dukes as the situation calls for.

I missed it too, but they played it last night a couple hours after Episode 2. I’m worried it won’t show up on On Demand either so I’m going to be extra sure to set my DVR.

We Sterlings have to stick together! :stuck_out_tongue: :cool:

The break room! A pig wouldn’t be caught dead in there!

And when Pam said “dick holster” I had to pause the DVR from laughing so hard.


That scene was hilarious - just everyone sitting there with those expressions, and I was cracking up. That screencap will become the new “what has been seen…” meme.

Ep 1 is on On Demand now so I guess there’s a week & a day delay on them being up. Just FYI.

What was Cheryl eating in that one scene? Looked like honey out of an eyedropper or something?

I’m 100% surprised that they didn’t show Lana turning on the radio and an Al Green song playing.

She was sniffing glue. We saw her doing it in “El Secuestro” (where they discovered she was an heiress) as well.

That’s right - thanks

Yeah, as much as they usually hate him in general (and had extra reasons to specifically in this episode) both Lana and even Cyril couldn’t help but have sympathy for him after hearing about it!

Something I don’t exactly get, how does the title of the Jimi Hendrix song relate to this episode?

Mary as a noun.

Almost, not quite: she eats rubber cement.