Archer season 3 resumes tonight 1/19

Just a reminder for Archer fans :cool:

Did no one else watch this? Fantastic episode! I loved Bert Reynolds out-Archering Archer. Fantastic.

“Tape your fingers!”

Yeah, Burt was great. I loved it when he threatened to give everyone else an EP credit for the Gator sequel.

“You could drown a toddler in my panties right now.”

I was a little surprised they didn’t reuse that line (or a variant) when Archer announced his pants were wet after one of Burt’s car stunts.

Great ep, though I’m a bit disappointed that Ray’s paralysis seems permanent.

I’m gonna be surly if Ray doesn’t get better. He’s my favorite character after Sterling Archer himself.

Given that Ray himself acknowledged he probably can’t be an agent in a wheelchair, I have a feeling we’ll get some sort of storyline there.

Funny episode, far from my favorite. Reynolds was a great guest, but I have to say that seeing him “one up” Archer didn’t sit quite right with me. I love that Sterling usually comes out ahead, despite being an idiot and a jerk. In this episode, he was mostly sidelined.

Last night’s felt as close to “classic” Archer as I’ve seen in a while. Hope they keep with it.

“How ‘bout you, Ironsides? You rollin’ dirty?”

“Yeah, what is a click, anyway? You say that all the time and I never know what you mean. I assume it’s some sort of sound?”

Agreed - better than the Burt ep.

“It tastes worse than it smells!”
“Man, if I had a nickel for every time I heard a guy say that, I’d have eight nickels!”

I didn’t like it either, but for me it was because Archer’s worship of Burt Reynolds was supposed to be silly and ridiculous. If the guy actually does turn out to be a super bad ass it kind of kills the joke.

Last night’s was way better.

“What do you think, ghost of Teddy Roosevelt?”

Agreed. Excellent episode. 100% classic Archer. Archer refusing to acknowledge that the crocodiles weren’t his biggest danger despite all evidence to the contrary was fantastic.

I love that Babu is back.

It’s a big deal!
To who? People who own trains?

Great episode in the vein of Skytanic. “These ISIS people are serious, they killed a black guy! Yeah…welcome to America.”

I cracked up at this episode.

I loved Archer realizing that fighting on top of a train is idiotic. I forget that Carol/Cheryl is insanely wealthy.

My favorite line of the night (speaking as a biologist):

“He’s crepuscular!”
“Get him!”

“You’re still ON the train!”

Well…there could be a helicopter!

For some reason I love the running gag that Archer fears alligators and crocodiles, but respects and loves big cats.

“We met a tiger!”
Was my favorite line from that episode.

The expression on Babou’s face as Archer is talking to him in the back of the car cracked me right the hell up.