Is masculinity going to die? Is this is a good thing? What say you.
Personally, I know masculinity is essential to the survival of the human race, and has infinite value. Even though, I’m still curious what all of you have to say on this subject matter.
No one taught me to hate myself. Feminists helped me see ways I was being thoughtless, so I corrected my behavior. Simple, really, and hate has nothing to do with it.
Masculine men are becoming increasingly rare in our world. At this rate, it would not be an irrational argument to say masculine men will be all but extinct within 100 years time in the 1st world.
Somebody who has honor, courage, a fighting spirit, a protector, one who has a deep love for the feminine spirit. This need not be explained. Why do you ask questions you already know the answer to?
Well, I only watched 6 minutes of that crap, and that’s 6 minutes of my life I’ll never get back.
What was the point? I work with women who fulfil all the roles I managed to see, and I know males who are nurses and admin assistants.
Masculinity and femininity are converging. There are still biological roles for both of us, but we’re more equal now than ever. At least in the civilized and educated world.
It does need to be explained. When I think “masculine man” I generally think “raging asshole,” but I was open to the idea it has a more positive meaning.
I’m okay with honor and courage. I’m a bit concerned with “fighting spirit,” although I suppose it depends on what that means too. There’s no reason a woman or non-masculine man couldn’t have a bit of fighting spirit in them.
ETA: “The point was to wake up the general public to the deep antagonism our culture has towards masculinity.” Guilty as charged.
Masculinity has nothing to do with being a raging asshole, this does not need to be explained.
The fighting spirit is something that is an essential aspect of masculinity, without it, we would still be in the stone age. You may be concerned about it, but you wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for it, so your point is dead in the water.
If you’re guilty as charged, then I wish the best of luck to you.