Seeing how he is wealthy I never understood why he didn’t just hire an escort who pretended to be drugged and have sex with her. No victims, nobody gets hurt and Cosby keeps his reputation. But what about escorts who actually let you drug them and have sex with their unconscious body, is that a thing? Like is that a common service? It seems like it would have a lot of safety issues so I could see escorts not doing it.
I would hesitate to label “drugging and raping women” as a fetish. I don’t think Cosby was giving quaaludes to women because he had a particular sexual attraction to women who are semi-conscious. He gave them quaaludes because he wanted to have sex with those specific women, and didn’t want to bother with getting consent from them.
True. However while perusing the Internet and trying to find info that will help me be a better Christian I occasionally land on a porn site by accident and there are fetish videos where one party is asleep or unconscious. So the demand must be there to sleep with unconscious people, however is that a service escorts offer or is it too dangerous for most to be comfortable with it?
Also seeing how someone as wealthy and famous as Cosby could likely have gotten ample consensual sex as well as afforded an endless number of escorts he probably had some fetish for drugging women. It isn’t like there is a shortage of women willing to have consensual sex with a famous multimillionaire.
Yes, that’s also what bothers me as well. Why didn’t he just take the women to his bed who jumped in willingly, instead of messing around with drugs. Any woman he dates that isn’t DTF, he can just dump her and find another. And, once he’s doing the act, what does he get out of humping a dead fish? A woman that just lies there doesn’t sound very stimulating.
I can’t see anybody letting someone (generally a stranger) drug them and do [whatever] with their unconscious body. How fucking stupid would you have to be to even consider it?
You’re forgetting that rape, in the widest sense the term applies, is about power and not sex. It’s no fun if your only power over the pliable female form is your wallet. Cos clearly has a taste for using power to satisfy himself… and not just sexually.
But yeah. He’s wealthy, and powerful in useful ways, and fairly good looking, and connected… this is a guy who could have screwed his way through half of Hollywood with no more pressure than a wink.
He’s got a power and control fetish. That’s why he drugged and raped a model he’d already been sleeping with for several months. Consensual sex was his for the asking. That wasn’t what he wanted.
I honestly think it would be worthwhile for police to search his estate for buried corpses. Cosby’s a lot closer to Denis Rader or Ted Bundy than a Hollywood lothario.
How exactly does that happen, if I may be so bold as to ask?
The answer to your question is yes if you are being literal. There is a very specific fetish about sexualizing unconscious women (just like anything else you can imagine). I stumbled across it accidentally once but there is or at least was a company that made movies specializing in beautiful models pretending to be unconscious (or maybe they really were). The weird thing is that they are not XXX movies. They are barely PG-13 based on the content with little to no nudity and no sex. The constant them is that the women just get knocked out in various ways including by drugs and then a man carries them bed sensually and watches them sleep.
I have never sought the services of an escort but I know plenty of people that have and have watched documentaries on it. There are escorts and prostitutes that will serve every niche desire if you have the money ranging from stomping balloons nude in high heels (another odd niche fetish) to BDSM with sex strictly forbidden and enforced by punishment.
Looking for an escort or a prostitute willing to do drugs and get paid money to have sex with you is really just double payment in many cases. The fact that they really like drugs is a big reason why many of them do it in the first place (certainly not all). It wouldn’t be hard at all in any big city to find somebody that wants to get really high with a famous guy and let him has his way with her. The money would often be just a bonus after that offer.
I agree that he may not have liked the easiest and most obvious targets for whatever reason however.
It usually happens with a whoosh.
I’ve known women that like to be choked, held down, rough intercourse or even smacked. It’s a little awkward to say the least.
And a fine whoosh it was!
I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the possibility that Bill Cosby may indeed have a fetish of sorts for drugging women in order to take advantage of them sexually and rape them. I can see how what maybe was a means to an end initially may have become an addiction of sorts, the whole ritual of it. Sort of like a budding serial killer that first kills against a certain part of his conscience and feels guilty, but eventually takes great pleasure in the act.
This drugging of women has been a part of the psyche of Bill Cosby for a long time. Indeed he actually had a bit about this on his comedy album all the way back in 1969! A bit about using Spanish Fly on women.
I don’t think that either you or that writer knows what Spanish Fly actually is.
I am aware of what Spanish Fly is in reality but in the realm of Pop Culture and fiction it is often thought that it is an aphrodisiac that will make women so horny that they will sleep with anyone, for example in the Beavis and Butthead episode where they want to put it in a girls drink so they can score with her. So obviously it’s not going to work that way in reality, I get how someone like Bill Cosby in the context of a comedy album would mention it as a way that he could basically score with a group of women.
Sometimes the term “starfish” is used to describe a prostitute - I guess it could be used for any sexual partner though - that just lies there, typically it is not considered an endorsement.
I think it might prove difficult to find an escort that is willing to really let herself be drugged. Maybe if someone she knows is going to be there the whole time. The girls are always the one in control, just the idea of not being in control can upset them (even if nothing bad actually happened).
[QUOTE=Wesley Clark;18501466Also seeing how someone as wealthy and famous as Cosby could likely have gotten ample consensual sex as well as afforded an endless number of escorts …[/QUOTE]
Isn’t this a rather old-fashioned reaction? “He’s so handsome and/or rich, he can’t possibly be a rapist! He would have women falling over themselves to sleep with him!”
Didn’t we learn a long, long time ago that lack of sex is not the cause of rape?
Nor do many seem to know what Quaaludes are. They are not like Roofies.
Trust me, I’m not defending him, but they are not a “date rape” drug any more than alcohol is. They do not make you black out and be unaware of anything happening. It is more like getting drunk quite quickly. If he was planning to give them to the women there is a good chance he was planning to take one too.
It was fairly common in the late 70’s early 80’s.
Part of the appeal is likely the danger of being caught. Like the reason some people have exhibitionism or like to cheat on their spouses. The idea that something being forbidden makes it better is a fairly common theme of fetishes. Cosby crossed the line from naughty to genuinely evil but the notion is the same.
I don’t put much stock in the Spanish Fly bit as being indicative of anything, powerful aphrodisiacs have been a topic of popular culture from the Searchers to the Beastie Boys.
Got a cite for that? As I saw in another blog on human psych, saying that is like saying lack of money is not a cause of bank robberies. Yes, it’s true that not all bank robbers need the money, and not all rapists lack the sex.