are there any wankers out there

Yeah, baby. Wiggle its’ SCSI ports.
Do a low-level scan. Check for viruses. Zap the PROM. Unseat, reseat, mount the drives. Make the motherboard shoot the motherload.
Then clean up the Recycle Bin and put it into Sleep Mode.

HaXX0R pimps in the house! What?

From ‘Men behaving badly’, I am pleased to present the wanker song:

I’m a wanker, I’m a wanker,
and it does me good,
like it bloody well should.
I’m a wanker, I’m a wanker…

Download the .MP3 from this page

If my wife reads this thread, I’d just like to say that I have no idea what these people are talking about :wink:

:stolls in with pride:


that should be strolls.

Oh, yeah, mate…

Though I’ve had some damn good sex, I’m better than any chick I’ve ever had. Any ladies wanna step up to the challenge?:cool:

Aloha, Mr. Hand! Total wanker here. Queer, bent bastard as well.

Yep I dont get enough so I suppose you could call me a wankeress.

Any offers!!!
I taste so good.

I’ll be right over! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Recently separated. Guess.

Y’all continue with the flirtation. Ignore me.

It’s just my job to acknowledge all Tom Waits references as they occur on the SDMB.

Nice one! :slight_smile:

With the advent of internet porn I have become ambidexterous.

What a great thread to lose my ahem SDMB virginity on.

raises hand


Well, this is more of an IMHO type of thread, but I would hate to inflict it on my colleagues Czarcasm and TVeblen, so I think I’ll just close it.
If someone does decide to repost the question in IMHO, would it be possible to make it a little more interesting than just “Yes I masturbate” or “No I don’t masturbate?” I would like to think that we’re capable of a more thought-provoking thread than that at the SDMB.