We almost missed it!
It’s all there-Pirate games, links, even a pirate name generator or four.
Beware me swashing buckles! Dirty Sam Flint ARRR!
We almost missed it!
It’s all there-Pirate games, links, even a pirate name generator or four.
Beware me swashing buckles! Dirty Sam Flint ARRR!
Has it already been a year? Seems like TLAPD was just a few months ago . . .
I mean, avast! Has it already been a year?
Avast me harties, and happy TLAPD.
Goodness, I can’t believe I nearly missed TLAPD. I need t’ type smartly, lest this one slip by!
Dirty Jenny Rackham. I like it, though I don’t know if I could handle the pirate wardrobe.
Cap’n Milt Rotmeat, at yer service…
I’ll meet ye on the poop deck, ye…poop!
What kind of Movies do Pirates like to whatch?
The one that are rated ARRRR!
Avast, ye lubbers! Give me your doubloons and prepare to walk the plank! Arrrrrrrr!
Oh, it’s a rum thing.
But… but… but why is the RUM gone?
Shiver me timbers an’ scuttle me booty! I posted to this thread yesterday!
Bloody Sam Kidd
Every pirate lives for something different. For some, it’s the open sea. For others (the masochists), it’s the food. For you, it’s definitely the fighting. Even though you’re not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
HARRRRRRRR! danceswithcats ye were supposed to be remindin’ us of this long before now. Ye’ll walk the plank for this mistake ye scurvy dog! HARRRRRR!
I think you mean Today be Talk Like A Pirate Day
Well, keel-haul me! I missed it!
I still fall over laughing at this line.
Aww… I missed it. And now I can’t even talk like a pirate, because then I’d look like a moron, it not being talk like a pirate day and all…
Damn. I’m a day late.
No talking like a pirate for me!
Yar! That scurvy dog of a state dictrict judge has the sense of humor of a drowned bilge rat! On and on drones he about proper courtroom decorum during a felony sentencing and his threats of contempt of court! I’d have gutted the scalawag from stem to stern with me cutlass had not thar stood the baliff with his flintlock! Yar!
Did anyone else see the Corsair Ergonomic Keyboard for Pirates?