As promised, the Straight Dope Secret Santa!

Okay, send me your screen name, mailing address and your sex, and whether you want a G-rated, X-rated, or whatever-rated present.

You have 7 days to get the addresses in. Next Sunday I will mix ‘em up in a big ol’ hat and assign them to people.

Have fun!


This is, of course, a follow up from the esteemed thread featured here:


I missed that thread the first time around! Count me in! I’ll be emailing you! :smiley:

Oh this is great…do we give “virtual” presents, then?

No, no, the presents are real. I suppose the cost limit is whatever you decide it to be.

Read the linked thread, it should explain it all.


Okay, can I get a brunette (or a red head!) that can keep plants alive?
EMail. SENT.

Alright! So far I have mail from:

msrobyn, Scotti, Chique, PLG, Dazed923, and Absoul.

Who else?



Heh, it’s a good thing you’re assigning people this coming Saturday…:wink: Otherwise nobody would want to be paired up with me!

count me in too…

I just e-mailed you. I responded to the original thread, and am still interested. Thanks for doing this.


OK,what the heck. Me too.


Count me in.

Count me in; email’s on the way. BTW, good dildos cost a lot more than $10. :wink:

Address sent!!


On my way to send the email…

Woo hoo! I’m in! I love secret Santa things.

-If I have to go buy a dildo, Le Sang is coming with me for moral support.

-Where are we posting what we want/would like/etc?

Damnit; I can’t do it then…sorry…I’m not “supposed” to give out my home address…

Zoggie: I’m sorry. :frowning: If it helps, I can keep you anonymous. The person sending to you will just know you’re a girl and what rating you want.

Everyone else: Great response! I have 21 on the list now, waiting for response from 2 others who didn’t include their addresses. I can only imagine how many people I’ll be shuffling around by Sunday! Get your address in now!

As I said earlier, the price limit is whatever you feel comfortable spending. People will probably be chosen randomly, but then, I may divide you into groups depending on rating. I’m not sure now. Heck, I got a week to decide!

When I send out the mails telling everyone who they’ve got, I’ll also send with the address the rating preferred (and PLEASE stick to it, I don’t want someone to be embarrassed in front of a parent, spouse, or child!) as well as an idea of what they’re interested in (if such thing is provided).

Keep 'em comin!


that would be me [redhead] :slight_smile:

emailing forseeable in the near future :slight_smile: